
Year-Round Plans

Residential Pest Control -- Peak seasons Plan

The Peak Seasons Plan covers you for all insect and rodent pests except bed bugs and mosquitoes and ticks. If you have more than one concern right now, or encounter more than one pest throughout the year, we recommend this plan. We’ve got you covered.

View our Peak Seasons Plan flyer for more information!

Commercial Pest Control -- Regular Service

Commercial quarterly services and more frequent services are often purchased with a mouse and/or roach clean out. These commercial services are for restaurants, offices, warehouses, etc.

For example, a restaurant owner may purchase a clean out service, begin with weekly service for the first 1 to 3 months, and then switch to monthly service.

View our commercial flyer for more information!

Multi-Family Housing Pest Control -- Custom Mix-and-Match Service Plans

Commercial multi-housing services  are often purchased with a mouse and/or roach clean out for an apartment complex. The clean out service would include treating each unit for each pest, all common areas (and the exterior in the case of mice) and a 2 week follow-up. Then the units are serviced monthly on rotation for prevention.

There are one-time services available as well as custom mix-and-match service plans. View our flyer for more information, or check out our study on how much property managers should pay for pest control!

Image showing the exterior of a apartment, indicating commercial services available.
Rather Talk to a person? Call now: 651-342-9489.

One-time Services

Image highlighting mouse control services, mice control services, ensuring a rodent-free environment for you and your home.

Our mouse service is as easy as 1, 2, 3! 1st visit to secure the foundation of entry points (1-inch in diameter), placement of rodent control devices, etc. 2 week follow-up. 3 month warranty.

Voles are a different type of animal. They can travel up to 3/4 of a mile, so they are impossible to eradicate. We do offer vole add ons for our annual Peak Seasons Plan.

We also have non-poison methods available for burrows.

Image highlighting rat control services, ensuring a rodent-free environment for you and your home.

Our rat service is similar to our mouse service. But, because rats can get in through the foundation or the sewer, there is more to think about and secure.

Our technicians will secure the foundation of small entry points, place rodent control devices, help mitigate drain or sewer issues, etc.

This service also comes with a 1st visit, 2 week follow-up, and 3 month warranty.

Image showcasing mosquito control services, keeping your outdoor spaces bite-free and enjoyable.

Mosquitoes carry and transmit diseases. Protect your yard with our effective mosquito control treatment.

Our technicians thoroughly treat the places where mosquitoes breed. We focus on trees, shrubs, bushes, and tall grasses near or around yards, playgrounds, patios, venues, etc.

Each 1x service includes a 30-day warranty. Otherwise, check out our Mosquito & Tick Plan for seasonal treatment.

Image highlighting tick control services, ensuring a tick-free environment for you and your loved ones.

Ticks carry and transmit diseases. Did you know that 75% of Lyme’s disease cases originate from bites from backyards?

Protect your yard with our effective tick control! While our mosquito and tick treatments are similar, there are some subtle differences.

Each 1x service comes with a 30-day warranty. Otherwise check out our Mosquito & Tick Plan for seasonal treatment.

Image featuring Japanese beetle control services, safeguarding your plants and gardens from destructive infestations.

Japanese beetles are best prevented with our spring treatment killing grubs around trees and shrubs that Japanese beetles feed on in their early life stages.

We do have a liquid product to treat if they’ve already hatched and are making doilies out of your leaves!

We take care of these outdoor pests: June bugs and Japanese beetles.

Image highlighting mole control services, ensuring a mole-free and well-maintained yard for you to enjoy.

Moles can be a silent pest. You rarely see them, but you always notice their tunnels when you are mowing, are playing outside, or having guests over.

Our technicians treat these pests with a non-poison solution to rid your yard of these pests quickly, efficiently, and safely. Check out effective mole control services available!

Learn more about these creatures in our Ultimate Guide to Mole Control.

Image showcasing large rodent control, like squirrel removal, possum removal, and raccoon removal services, keeping your property safe from large rodent intrusions.

Squirrels can be cute, but when they’re destructive, they become a pest.

We have live traps to perform squirrel removal services. Our squirrel removal, raccoon removal, and possum removal services are all performed similarly.

Our technicians typically relocate the large rodents, but we use humane methods to euthanize if needed.

Image showcasing stinging insect control services, keeping your outdoor spaces safe and sting-free.

From visible or ground nests to active pests just lurking in and around the soffits or siding of your home, we treat hornets, wasps, yellow jackets, and more!

If the nest is visible and our equipment can reach it, our technicians will remove it.

Our power sprayer can reach up to 3 stories, perfect for even bigger apartment buildings!

Read more about our hornet and wasp control!

Image highlighting earwig and silverfish control services, eliminating these pests and ensuring a pest-free environment.

Silverfish and earwigs often give people the heebie jeebies.

Our technicians treat interior walls along the baseboards to draw any out from in the wall void.

They may also recommend an exterior spray on the foundation to eliminate any future problems.

Image highlighting fly control services, keeping your space fly-free and comfortable for everyone.

Any fly is more than just a nuisance, it is a threat to health. Flies carry and transmit diseases.

Our technicians first inspect the situation and then treat accordingly. We mainly treat the interior of a structure, but sometimes exterior treatment is needed.

Fruit flies are always treated in drains and harborage locations. Discover the best fly control available.

Image showcasing cricket control services, keeping those chirping critters away from your space.

Our technicians can treat jumping insects too!

So whether you have crickets in the fall, grasshoppers from dry, summer weather, or camel crickets in your basement, we can get rid of them.

Indoor and outdoor treatment is typically needed for successful cricket control.

And you can always learn more about crickets from our blog.

Image highlighting crawling insect control services, saying goodbye to those creepy crawlies in your space.

Our crawling insect treatment is complete with interior treatment, but will often come with an exterior treatment in the spring, summer, and fall seasons.

Say goodbye to pests with multiple legs by purchasing our 1x crawling insect service, often purchased for centipede control and millipede control or pill bug control.

Image showcasing ant control services, keeping those tiny invaders out of your home sweet home.

If you need pavement ant control on the inside of the home, our technicians treat with a gel bait and we can apply an exterior product to the foundation to prevent any other colonies nearby from coming inside. Worried about pharaoh ants? We’ve got you.

Did you know carpenter ants can be very destructive to homes and businesses? For our carpenter ant control service, first our technicians inspect and determine the exact pest. If carpenter ants, an exterior spray is applied to the foundation of the structure.

Image showcasing fall invading insect control services, protecting your home from unwanted pests this season.

Boxelder bugs, Asian lady beetles, and stink bugs are best prevented!

In the fall we apply a full house power spray coating the house with residual product to kill any fall invader pests from hibernating in the wall voids and surprising you in the spring!

Wondering Why You Have Fall Pests Now? They got in during the fall an overwintered in the walls.

Image showcasing cockroach control services, getting rid of those pesky critters for good!

Cockroaches are known to be one of the more disgusting pests, but they can spread so easily, that cleanliness is no factor in whether or not you get these pests.

For our cockroach control service, our technicians use a mix of direct kill products and baits to eliminate these pests from your home or business.

We don’t recommend using any over-the-counter methods or do-it-yourself techniques for these pesky nuisances! We don’t require any prep work!

Image highlighting bed bug control services, ensuring a good night's sleep without any unwanted visitors.

Bed bugs can be a difficult to treat pest. Bed bugs have the ability to hide out in the wall voids and can live without a host for 9 months or more!

Our technicians treat bed bugs with a chemical product that dries within an hour. Each bed bug control service comes with a 1st visit, 2 week follow-up, and a 3 month warranty.

We don’t require any prep work!

Image showcasing spider control services, keeping your space free from unwanted arachnid visitors.

From interior aerosol treatment to exterior preventative sprays or both, our technicians treat for spiders and creepy crawlies.

Our interior spider control treatment comes with treatment of the areas spiders hide and nest.

Our exterior spider treatment comes with a spray of the foundation and siding, and we will even remove the spider webs from the exterior of the house!

Image showcasing pantry pest control services, keeping your pantry free from unwanted pests and infestations.

Any bug that soils food or clothing is no friend of ours! For any pantry beetle or moth or clothing moth, our technicians treat with pheromone traps, lures, and sticky traps. Once the technician finds the source, the process is much more successful.

Our 1x service comes with a 1st visit, 2 week follow-up, and 3 month warranty.

Image illustrating flea control service, ensuring a pest-free environment for you and your pets.

For those of us who have furry family, it is important to have both preventative and reactive pest control in place.

An example of reactive pest control is flea control. You need flea control if you have a flea infestation in your home.

Our flea control service comes with a 1st visit, 2 week follow-up, and 3 month warranty.

Image showcasing pest control inspections, ensuring a thorough assessment of your property for potential infestations.

From NPMA-33 forms for mortgage approval to mouse inspections for home sale, it all starts with pest inspections.

Identifying pests to treat is the second most important part of pest control; the first is customer service.

Whether you simply need a pest inspection or you simply don’t know what pest concern you have, we inspect so you no longer have to suspect.

Quick Estimate

Done Right Pest Solutions offers a complete approach to residential pest control with affordable year-round options to simple one-time services. Get your pest service done right!

Want an effortless solution? Let us take care of your pest control needs, Done Right.

One-time services- Choose from one of the many options listed above.

Year-round services- If you have multiple pest concerns, choose our Peak Seasons Plan!

Additional concerns you'd like us to address (ex. how does our product affect kids or pets)?


it's time to start your pest free adventures

If we don’t answer all of your questions here, send us a message or give us a call!

We service all 7 metro counties and beyond (beyond is western Wisconsin, Saint Cloud, and Rochester). If you’re in those counties and areas, give us a call or send us a message! View our service areas page to see a breakdown of our service areas.

With Done Right Pest Solutions, the proof is in the name. If we don’t take care of your pest issue to your satisfaction, call us: we will earn your 5-star review!

Learn more about our team on our about us page.

There are certain things you should expect from your pest control exterminators. We try our best to be hassle free. From no prep work for any service to free estimates over the phone and trustworthy warranties, Done Right Pest Solutions has you covered and has the highest customer satisfaction.

We don’t require prep work for either bed bug or roach services. If there is anything the technician wants you to do, he would explain for the follow-up visit. We try to keep it as simple as possible.​​

We use a chemical treatment that dries within an hour so you can get back to your normal lives and don’t have to be away from home for a while.

Our expert technicians are highly skilled in eradicating bed bugs from any building: from single-family homes to giant multi-family housing complexes and everything in between.

We first close any entry points on the exterior of homes and then place a poison bait that takes a couple of days to dehydrate a mouse to the point of death in secured locations in your home. Upon inspection, at times our methods change to include other methods of trapping mice.

Get all the information of how we treat mice on our service page or by reading our Complete Mouse Control Guide.

We first inspect to ensure you have carpenter ants, but once that is determined, typically we simply apply an exterior spray to draw the ants out of the structure. In case of bad or cold weather, we can treat the interior for these pests too.

We offer an Peak Seasons Plan, which covers you for a whole year from the day you start. You get for sure 3 exterior and interior treatments in the spring, summer, and fall, but if you need anything else, just call!

Check out our in-depth article: How to Know if the Peak Seasons Plan is for You. You can also get all of our home service options on our Residential Pest Control page.

Our commercial versions of these services are explained on our Commercial Pest Control and Multi-Family Housing Pest Control pages.

Our costs are comparable to other companies, not the highest, not the lowest. We do have multiple discount opportunities, though, which isn’t common with other pest control companies.

Just make sure you get your money’s worth. We promise to have a high-quality service. If you’re a property manager, check out our study and guide on what to pay for pest control.

Done Right Pest Solutions
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