Pavement Ants
Easy and Effective Pavement Ant Control Found at Done Right Pest Solutions, Quick Residential and Commercial Services
Pavement ants, while not harmful, can be quite the nuisance if they get into your home. What’s worse is that a lot of over-the-counter products kill some off and then they come back again and again, year after year.
Break the cycle with Done Right Pest Solutions! We have simple and cost-effective 1x treatments available. We have interior only service and interior and exterior service, depending on your needs.
Finally, should you deal with these a couple of times throughout the year or if you have other pests throughout the year, we have our comprehensive annual service, our Peak Seasons Plan.
Read on to learn of what pavement ant control option best suits your needs. Or, call now to talk with a pro! 651-342-9489.

About Pavement Ants
Pavement ants have many names: little brown ants, sweet ants, common ants, immigrant pavement ants, sugar ants, and more, but these ants all are the same. So if you’re wondering how to treat black ants in Minnesota or brown ants in Minnesota, you’ve come to the right place!
These ants are the ones that live on driveways or in garages, making their homes in cracks within cement. You notice their ant hills made out of dirt, but did you know chances are that they have homes down there whether or not you see dirt piles? These ants make dirt hills in the warm months, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t at home in the winter, hibernating deep enough in the earth.
Have you ever seen swarms of these little ants on the sidewalk? I used to always think it was because someone had dropped some food, but that’s not the case. In late spring and early summer these ants can be found swarming sidewalks if they encounter another colony.
Pavement ants are territorial, so when they find others in the area, they face off against one another, fighting to the death of sometimes thousands of ants.
Pavement ants are brown to black and pretty tiny. They are most noticeable by their size: they look like a carpenter ant might, but half the size.
To learn more about pavement ants, check out our article 8 Ways to Treat Pavement Ants.
Did you know mature pavement ant colonies can have numerous queens and up to 30,000 worker ants?! They work hard, but we work harder and smarter.
Pavement Ant Control Services
You may think these ants are just fine outside your home, under sidewalks and driveways. While that is a better area than inside your home, thousands of ants over time move a lot of dirt from under that pavement or sidewalks. This can degrade the structural integrity of the driveways and sidewalks over time.
Pavement ants don’t typically nest in homes. They may find shelter in cracks and crevices of garages or basements, somewhere with splitting ground within which they can harbor.
Every once in a while you may find little mounds of dirt in these locations: basements, garages, even bathrooms. They like damp, cool areas, and bathrooms provide a water source. They tunnel down into a crack or crevice to make their home underneath your home, but leave traces of their home behind.
Luckily, Done Right Pest Solutions offers a couple of different options to fit your needs and budget. We have our 1x Interior Only Ant Control Service, and our Interior and Exterior Ant Control Service. The service needs may vary on the time of year or the evidence found by the technician.
1x Ant Control Service — Interior Only:
- Consists of no prep work, just interior inspection of the affected areas.
- The technician will treat the areas with either a gel bait or a liquid spray or both.
- Typically that is it. Most pavement ant control services do not require follow-ups, but you let us know if you see anything after about a week and a half to 2 weeks.
- The service comes with a 2 month warranty.
1x Ant Control Service — Interior & Exterior Service:
- This service includes the interior only service described above, but in addition the technician will inspect the exterior.
- An exterior foundational spray or power spray would be applied to the outside of the house, business, and/or supplementary structures.
- This service also comes with a 2 month warranty.
Our pricing is competitive and we offer a couple of discount opportunities, so call today!
Year-Round Pavement Ant Control
Done Right Pest Solutions offers year-round pavement ant control, along with any other insect control and mice and rat control as a part of our Peak Seasons Plan.
Peak Seasons Plan:
1. Initial treatment
- You are calling Done Right Pest Solutions for a reason. No matter the time of year, we will take care of whatever the pest issue is, as long as it’s included in the Peak Seasons Plan.
- Then, if anything comes up in between that treatment and the next season’s treatment, let us know!
2. Spring treatment – interior and exterior – spring pest control
- The spring treatment consists of interior treatment. All bugs try to hibernate in houses and other warm structures.
- We also treat the entire exterior of the home, from foundation to soffits. This full treatment provides a barrier for your entire home from any spring pest activity too!
- Our technicians use their web pole to remove any past pest activity like spider webs and wasp nests.
- Finally, we also check the foundation to make sure no new entry points for mice formed over the winter.

3. Summer treatment – exterior only – summer pest control
- The summer treatment is a simple treatment. The main pests of summer are crawling pests such as carpenter ants. We treat the exterior foundation about 3 feet up and 3 feet out.
- If you have any interior concerns, we will check them out! Typically, interior treatment is not needed in the summer season.
- If there are any signs of stinging insect activity up by the soffits and facia we may spray there preventatively.
- Again, our technicians remove any spider webs and wasp nests that may have formed.
4. Fall treatment – interior and exterior – fall pest control
The fall treatment includes another full exterior spray of the house, from foundation to soffits. This full treatment is necessary for the intense fall invading insects that may try to over-winter inside your home.
- We also treat the interior preventatively for mice and insects, gearing up for winter.
- Our technicians remove any spider webs and wasp nests one last time before winter.
- And we do a thorough check of the foundation, closing any entry points that have not been sealed.
5. Winter – as needed – winter pest control
- There is no scheduled visit for a winter treatment.
- Let us know if any issues come up.
This is our most commonly purchased service and is beloved by many! If you’d like to learn How to Know if the Peak Seasons Plan is for You, check out that article, call and talk to one of our experts today, or watch a video of our techs working!
Conclusion & Next Steps
You’ve learned a lot about pavement ants and how, while they are not harmful, they are a nuisance. We shared about our different options for pavement ant control services as well as our year-round pavement ant control services.
We hope you’ll give us a call, send a text at 651-342-9489, or email us at if you can’t get rid of these pesky pavement ants in your home.
We’re here when you need us for pavement ant control,
Done Right Team