Effective & Comprehensive Fly Control Solutions for Minnesota Homes & Businesses Looking for Pest Control for Flies
Flies can be more than just a nuisance; they can pose health risks and disrupt the comfort of your home or business. This article delves into the specifics of controlling three common fly pests: black flies, phorid flies, and drain flies. Learn to identify each type, understand their behaviors, and discover effective strategies for managing and preventing infestations. Whether you’re dealing with persistent black flies in the summer, phorid flies around decomposing organic matter, or drain flies emerging from your plumbing, our expert advice will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need for effective fly control.

The Health Threats Flies Pose
A quick cursory search on Google will inform you of some hard truths: flies are one of the pests most capable of spreading disease. Mosquitoes have been the largest killer of humans throughout history. My guess is that flies would be next.
House flies alone can transmit 65 diseases. Among these are colds and flus, COVID, stomach flus, as well as long-term illnesses and disease that takes a long time to get over.
Flies regurgitate anything they land on, and, well, they are attracted to waste, garbage, dead animals, etc. It is no wonder they spread disease.
Flies can come in from the outside, from shipments, from one fly laying eggs in some old food or drains, etc. Flies are a disruption and have negative perception (and rightly so) because they carry and spread illness and disease causing pathogens everywhere they go.
For the best fly control and prevention, contact the experts at Done Right Pest Solutions: 651-342-9489. We help keep your home pest free, increasing health and happiness!
Best Interior & Exterior Black Fly Control for Homes
Most folks know what a fly looks like, with their black bodies, their recognizable compound eyes, the shape of their wings.
Flies can get into your home by a number of ways. One may be flying nearby and come in through an open window or door. One may spot some dog poop, garbage, or a dead animal like a mouse and lay eggs on it.
It doesn’t take much to get flies. As you can tell from the photo above, those maggots were hatched from fly eggs right next to their food source: a dead mouse).
All it takes is a tiny crack a couple of millimeters thick for a maggot to squeeze through. They like the dark of wall voids to molt into flies. Then, they would come into your living area, and you think where the heck did all these flies come from?!
Done Right Pest Solutions has comprehensive interior service to eradicate these large black flies, and an exterior spray to keep future flies away. Each fly service comes with a 2 month warranty, but are generally solved within a few days to 2 weeks, depending on breeding conditions.

Want an effortless solution for your fly issue? Let us take care of your pest control needs, Done Right.
One-time services- Call today for a free estimate for fly extermination.
No hassle service- Experience the peace of mind service Done Right Pest Solutions offers today: No prep work, 2 month warranty.
Basic Bottle Fly Control Solutions
Bottle flies are very distinguishable due to their green bodies and red compound eyes. These are common pests of slaughterhouses, meat-processing plants, and garbage dumps. These are the flies that dog poop.
According to Pest Management Professional garbage cans are the most common source of bottle flies, and one garbage can in an urban area can produce favorable conditions to hatch up to 30,000 flies in a week’s time.
It is definitely important to have a reliable pest control company treat for bottle fly control if you see these metallic-looking flies. Done Right Pest Solutions is your reliable pest control company: 651-342-9489.
Common Phorid Fly Solutions for Homes & Businesses
Phorid flies are funny-looking flies. They have humpbacked or stubby-nosed bodies. Phorid flies are similar to fruit flies, in that they are attracted to decaying organic matter. Examples of decaying organic matter is rotting fruits or vegetables, animal carcasses, and garbage. But, phorid flies can also infest compost piles, sewage systems, drains, and even mushrooms!
If you have little flies in your house, it is important to have a qualified pest control professional inspect and identify the type of fly. Identification is important in pest control to ensure the success of a treatment.
Done Right Pest Solutions is your qualified pest control professional. We would be happy to help solve your phorid fly control issue!
Simple Drain Fly Control Success for Homes
Drain flies can also be called moth flies, since they look like a cross between a fly and a moth. These drain flies are fly shaped, but furry like a moth. They range in color from gray to black, but can be tan, depending on the species.
Drain flies are most commonly associated with drains, grease traps, and sub-slab drain leaks. Whenever there are sub-slab drain leaks or an alternative source like a storm water pond or a water retention pond, it can be nearly impossible to treat the source of these pests if the HOA or other governing body inhibits treatment.
For any drain pest, like drain flies or moth flies, a drain treatment is needed. The drain treatment should be nontoxic and noncorrosive, eliminating odors and consuming the biofilms and organic buildup in drains, according to Pest Control Technology.
It could take homeowners a while to combat the source of drain flies. Skip the line and hire Done Right Pest Solutions instead!

Want an effortless solution for your fly issue? Let us take care of your pest control needs, Done Right.
One-time services- Call today for a free estimate for fly extermination.
No hassle service- Experience the peace of mind service Done Right Pest Solutions offers today: No prep work, 2 month warranty.
Fast Fruit Fly Control Solutions for Homes
Fruit flies, like drain flies, often breed in drains and grease traps. Fruit flies are attracted to organic decaying matter. We give 6 simple tips to eliminate and prevent fruit flies in our article.
Fruit flies are attracted to produce, damp areas, dirty dishes, drains, garbage disposals, and other locations where there is decaying organic material. If the problem is decaying fruits or vegetables, dispose of them. If the problem is damp areas, keep them dry. It is important to fix leaks so pests, mold, mildew, and damage doesn’t spread. If the issue is dirty dishes, clean them up. If the issue is drains, hire a plumber or handyman. If the issue is garbage disposals, try cleaning them or tossing down a lemon and grinding them up.
Oftentimes the solution is removing the source and killing off the alive adults. The why of the fly is typically because there is a food source, which is often the same as a breeding source.
Need a consultation for help on DIY fruit fly control, or would like information on our 1x service, call the pros at Done Right Pest Solutions at 651-342-9489.
Pro tip: Fungus gnats are common fruit fly look-a-likes, but their breeding patterns and harborage locations are very different. If you have fungus gnats, your house plants are most likely the culprit. Clean out the water catch traps of your plant pot and that should solve your fungus gnat issue without costing you any money on pest control!
Conclusion & Next Steps
No matter your fly issue, Done Right Pest Solutions staff is here to help. Fly species carry and transmit disease like nobody’s business. For the best black fly control, bottle fly control, phorid fly control, drain fly control, and fruit fly control, contact Done Right Pest Solutions.
You learned a bit about each of these types of flies and what they like to breed and eat, how they get in to homes and businesses. All it takes is a present food source that doubles as a breeding source.
Our expert technicians can solve your fly issue today, and you’ll always get a warranty when you purchase a service from us. So start the conversation by email at donerightpestsolutions@gmail.com or by call or text at 651-342-9489.
Here when you need us for fly control success,
Done Right Team