Most Effective And Affordable Mosquito Control Program in Minnesota And Wisconsin
Mosquitoes are more than just annoying with their distinctive buzzing in your ear to their piercing bite that leaves an itching mark. Mosquitoes are also dangerous, carrying and transmitting diseases, that end up killing more people than any other one thing.
There are hundreds of subspecies of mosquitoes worldwide. In the US alone there are about 166 species. The 3 most common species are Aedes, Anopheles, and Culex. Each of these species has their own habits, and it is important that your pest control company has an effective mosquito control program that encompasses each habit.
For the most effective and affordable mosquito control program, look no further than Done Right Pest Solutions!
How mosquitoes operate
Mosquitoes lay 100 eggs at a time in water and they hatch in 3 days. Eggs can last a long time throughout drought, but need water to hatch. So after a rain, expect thousands more mosquitoes to hatch in 3 days.
Some mosquitoes remain in a small area throughout their lives, while others fly up to 7 miles, consuming blood meals. For these differences, it is important to know that pest control companies will never be able to eradicate 100% of mosquitoes in your yard. But, expert technicians can effectively eradicate up to 95% of mosquito populations.
This level of effectiveness greatly decreases the possibility of bites and infections from the bites. For more information on Aedes, Anopheles, and Culex mosquitoes, read our article 3 Species of Mosquitoes and How to Treat Each.
It is important for a pest control company to treat mosquitoes at each life stage: egg, larvae, pupae, and adult.
Treating near water sources like bird baths, or any place water can pool after a rain is very important. It is also important to treat any harborage locations for once the mosquitoes hatch, since they are only devastating to hosts when they are adults.
To read more, check out our article 4 Tips for Effective Mosquito Control.

Varied alternative treatment methods
If you’re looking for other ways how to treat mosquitoes that you can do here is a list of alternative methods. Following is other easy and normal methods people often employ in their yards.
- Employ bats. Bats eat mosquitoes. You could get a bat house and at night they can eat up the mosquito food source your yard provides!
- Use frogs. Frogs eat mosquitoes, along with flies and other flying insects. If your yard has a pond, consider creating a frog habitat and these little guys will eat the adult mosquitoes flying nearby the pond.
- Consider dragon flies. Dragonflies eat mosquitoes at all stages of their life. They hover close to water and will eat the eggs, larvae, and pupae mosquitoes. They of course fly and can catch the adult mosquitoes as well.
- Another option is the Gambusia fish. This fish eats mosquito larvae. If you have a pond and are able to stock it with this kind of fish, it will eat up the growing mosquitoes in your pond!
These methods may be difficult, and there are of course easier repellent options like citronella candles, tiki torches, bug zappers, etc. But for the most effective mosquito control, contact a pest professional like Done Right Pest Solutions today.

Want an effortless solution? Let us take care of your pest control needs, Done Right. Our Mosquito and Tick Plan is designed to target mosquitoes and ticks at every stage of life.
One-time services- If you are just having an outdoor event in your backyard, like a wedding, graduation, or other type of party, try our thorough one-time mosquito and tick service.
Seasonal services- If you love to enjoy your yard throughout the warm months, check out our Mosquito and Tick Plan. Each treatment compounds on the one before it, and there are no additional charges if it rains and you’re getting bitten up extra!
How we treat mosquitoes
It is important to know if your yard has a mosquito infestation or a tick infestation. Call the pros at Done Right Pest Solutions for more information: 651-342-9489, or read on.
First our pest control technicians will walk the yard or patio space where the mosquito treatment is to be applied, inspecting as they walk, and making note of any potential problem areas for the area.
Next the technician will treat the perimeter of the yard along the grass line, the fence line, and any other lawn ornamentation indicating boundary of your yard and your neighbor’s yard. This treatment creates a subtle barrier for the mosquitoes.
Because mosquitoes fly and most likely will fly right over the barrier, so other areas of the yard must be treated. However, they may very well stop to rest on a fence post and come into contact with our product that will result in death of the mosquito.
Once the barrier is treated, the pest control technician will treat any shrubbery, bushes, trees, tall grasses, and other vegetation in your yard. This vegetation creates natural shade and mosquitoes love to stop to rest among the branches, leaves, etc.
It isn’t important to treat trees high up. Mosquitoes do not fly more than 10 feet off the ground typically. Simply treating the base of the tree plus the first few branches will suffice for efficient mosquito control.
If your yard has ticks, it may be important to treat higher into the trees, as ticks will sometimes climb trees to drop onto hosts or reach out to hosts. The product we use for mosquito control is the same product we use for tick control.
Finally, the technician will treat any areas of the yard or patio area that he had made note of during the inspection. An example of a potential breeding area may be a dip in the patio that collects rain water for a couple of days.
If you have a pond in your yard, we may use a mosquito dunk in there to eliminate it as a breeding site.
Treating these areas preventatively reduces the likelihood that mosquitoes will breed in your yard, decreases the population, and drastically improves your long-term quality of life.
By reducing between 90-95% of the population of disease and illness transmitting insects, it greatly decreases your risks of getting sick from these pests. Done Right Pest Solutions can reduce 90-95% of your mosquito infestation or tick infestation.
We offer one-time services and a Mosquito and Tick Plan. Get your yard covered for preventative mosquito control today!

Want an effortless solution? Let us take care of your pest control needs, Done Right.
One-time services- If you are having other issues, check out our Services page to learn about all of our one-time service options.
Year-round services- If you have more than one pest issue, check out our Peak Seasons Plan, designed to be the most comprehensive and affordable option for multiple pest issues!
Conclusion & next steps
We hope you learned a lot on this page about mosquitoes and mosquito control. You learned a bit about the types of mosquitoes and how they operate. You were given the option to read more in other articles.
If you don’t like chemical options, we gave some alternative treatment methods. Many opt to use citronella candles, tiki torches, or bug zappers. While these work for the mosquitoes that may come near that specific area, it isn’t a comprehensive plan for the most effective mosquito control.
Finally, we explained in depth how we treat for mosquitoes. With warrantied pest control, why choose to DIY for mosquito control? With our technicians’ ability to reduce 90-95% of your mosquito
For the most effective and affordable mosquito control, call Done Right Pest Solutions at 651-342-9489. We get the job done right.
We can’t wait to help you with all of your mosquito control needs.
Done Right Team