Hornets & Wasps
Best Hornet, Wasp, Yellow jacket, & stinging insect treatment & removal for residential & commercial properties
Though there are differences between hornets, wasps, and other stinging insects like yellow jackets, bees, bumble bees, paper wasps, etc., the fact of the matter is they all sting. And 50 to 100 people die in the US each year from stinging insects.
It is important to protect your clients, your family, yourself from these harmful insects. No one likes getting stung, but while some suffer a mildly painful stink, others’ lives are threatened due to an allergy.
For all residential and commercial hornet control and wasp control, including treatment and removal of nests, look no further than Done Right Pest Solutions. We are your expert exterminators for wasps. 651-342-9489.

Need a simple solution for your stinging insect problem? Let us take care of your pest control needs, Done Right.
One-time services- Call today for a free estimate for stinging insect nest removal: 651-342-9489.
No hassle service- Experience the peace of mind service Done Right Pest Solutions offers today: Learn more about our Peak Seasons Plan!
Brief introduction to stinging insects
Every spring, summer, and fall, millions of people suffer from the presence of aggressive stinging insects in their yard.
There are some differences in hornets, wasps, yellow jackets, and other stinging insects.
Wasps are yellow and black stinging insects ranging in size of a half of an inch to 1 inch long. They have a pinch in their abdomen, and their ends come to a point where their stinger rests. Wasps have 6 legs, 2 antennae, a head, thorax, and mouth parts that can even eat other insects.
Yellow jackets and hornets are often confused as wasps, but reside in a close relative family. These pests are considered very aggressive in the spectrum of stinging insects. Hornets and yellow jackets are often smaller in size than a yellow wasp.
Paper wasps will often make nests inside wall voids or under soffit, facia, and gutter areas of homes. If they do make nests on the outside, like their name suggests, their nests seem to be made of a paper-like material. Paper wasps do have yellow ends like yellow wasps do.
You can read more about the life cycle of wasps and hornets in our article “Why Wasp Control is Important.”
Where you might see hornet & wasp activity
Where you see hornet and wasp activity depends on the time of year, the type of stinging insect, and the location in which they have built their nest (if it’s visible or not).
In the early to late spring, paper wasps will often try to enter into the soffit, facia, and gutter area of homes. They will make their nests out of view so you may not see a lot of activity, or the activity you see is just a bunch of wasps going in and out of an opening.
Otherwise, you may find a nest in a porch or hanging from any overhang, tree branch, etc.
Sometimes you may encounter ground hornets or ground wasps. More aggressive species of yellow jackets will build nests underground. It is hard to feel comfortable in your own yard if you have ground wasps or ground hornets.
And finally there are mud daubers and some types of hornets and yellow wasps that build their nests out of dirt.

Need a simple solution for your stinging insect problem? Let us take care of your pest control needs, Done Right.
One-time services- Call today for a free estimate for stinging insect nest removal: 651-342-9489.
No hassle service- Experience the peace of mind service Done Right Pest Solutions offers today: Learn more about our Peak Seasons Plan!
Different ways we treat for stinging insects
Pest control professionals treat for stinging insects differently depending on the activity or where the stinging insect nest is located. Obviously if there is a wasp nest on the overhang of your shed, your pest control expert is going to treat and remove that nest.
Our expert technicians will often go one step further (for our annual clients, more below) and treat all the areas around the house, garage, and shed that look like there could be wasp activity.
We categorize our treatment methods below for general hornet control or wasp control when it comes to a physical nest (treatment and removal. We also have preventative spray options for soffit, gutter, and facia area of the home, or full house sprays because we know that stinging insects often like to squeeze into wall voids from door frames, window frames, and shutters. Finally, we have annual coverage for hornet control and wasp control.
Hornet control / wasp control & removal of hornets & wasps (nests)
Whenever there is a visible nest, it is intimidating to the homeowner. Stinging insects have built a home on your property and are usually more aggressive since a colony is established.
Moreover, children or elderly could get stung, and that poses a health risk. Stinging insects are common, but it’s never fun when you find out for the first time through a traumatic situation.
If you ever see the beginnings of a nest, give Done Right Pest Solutions a call for fast and effective hornet control or wasp control. We treat the nest quickly, inspect the rest of your property, give insight of potential trouble areas, and remove the nest as able (in the case of ground nests we do not remove them).
Treat the nest: Done Right Pest Solutions’ expert technicians typically treat visible wasp nests or hornet nests with a liquid product or dust product. Both products penetrate the nest and quickly kill any live insects in the nest. The product is fast acting and rarely does the technician need to give it more than a few minutes before he removes the nest.
Inspect the rest: While waiting for the product to work, the technician is productive in looking for other trouble areas where wasps, hornets, or other stinging insects may build nests. If he sees any damaging effects of carpenter ants, mice, or other past or current pest activity, he will also let you know.
Give insight: through learning more about your property through the eyes of our expert technicians, you can determine how best to proceed with your pest control options. Often we will simply do one-time services, but usually it is most cost effective for the homeowner to opt in to the annual service.
Remove the nest: Finally, the technician removes the treated nest from your property so you can relax again and enjoy your space.
Our one-time stinging insect treatment for hornet control or wasp control should last much longer than the warrantied period: 2 months. If you see any more hornets or wasps in that area, give us a call because you’re already covered with the wasp exterminator cost you already paid!
Preventative sprays
Spring and fall are high activity seasons for hornets, yellow wasps, and all stinging insects. Stinging insects will often overwinter within the wall voids of walls or in garages, sheds, or other area protected from the winter elements.
Future queens wake up in spring and search for a place to establish a colony. Paper wasps are notorious for trying to make their homes in the soffit or facia area of your home. You can also read more about wasps in their section of “Spring Pests to Watch Out for This Year.”
For this reason, Done Right Pest Solutions employs a highly effective treatment method in both spring and fall for entire exterior power sprays.
With the different products designed to specifically target the types of stinging insects prone to build nests and become nuisances at each season, these sprays are a must have.
The technicians remove any spider webs, wasp nests and other pest activity like that from the exterior of the home. Then they treat the whole house with the liquid product that dries within an hour.
This targets stinging insects and prevents them from making homes in your wall voids or on your home. So, consider getting a spring exterior power spray or a fall exterior power spray this year.
Annual coverage
Each seasonal spray is individually priced. Otherwise, our Peak Seasons Plan comes with 3 exterior preventative treatments: spring, summer, and fall. If you need anything over the winter, all you have to do is call.
If you see any stinging insects throughout the year, or maybe you see mice in the winter or carpenter ants in the summer. Then this plan is perfect for you because of the 3 exterior preventative treatments, and the no cost for additional services in between seasons or over the winter. So if you are in need of extra wasp treatment, you don’t need to call out for wasp exterminator cost, that’s already covered!
Check out our article to learn more: “How to Know if the Peak Seasons Plan is for You.”
The Peak Seasons Plan is the most comprehensive service for Residential Pest Control. Give us a call today for a free quote for your home! 651-342-9489.
This plan covers everything except bed bugs, moles, mosquitoes and ticks, and larger rodents like squirrels, raccoons, and possums.
An Overview of Our Peak Seasons Plan
A 60 second silent clip of how we do pest control
Wasp Exterminator Cost & Wasp Removal Cost
Done Right Pest Solutions expert technicians are your go-to wasp exterminators. We combine our wasp extermination cost and our wasp removal cost (next removal) into one simple service cost.
We charge $189 plus tax for the service. If you have multiple nests, if they are in one area, that’s not extra, but if you have one nest on one side of your house and one nest on the other, that’s extra. We charge $50 for each additional nest, with a cap. So if you have many nests up on the soffit, fascia, gutter area of your home, we won’t charge you an arm and a leg to get rid of them all.
We offer a more comprehensive service for the complete spraying of your soffits, fascia, and gutter area of the home. Then, our expert technicians, our exterminator for wasps, will remove the nests, whether they fell to the ground during spraying or if he needs to use his web pole.
This full wasp spray is typically no more than 3 to 4 nest removals, but the pricing does vary based on the size of your home. For the full information on our wasp extermination cost and our wasp removal cost, you can always give us a call at 651-342-9489.

Need a simple solution for your stinging insect problem? Let us take care of your pest control needs, Done Right.
One-time services- Call today for a free estimate for stinging insect nest removal: 651-342-9489.
No hassle service- Experience the peace of mind service Done Right Pest Solutions offers today: Learn more about our Peak Seasons Plan!
Conclusion & next steps
You’ve learned quite a bit about different stinging insects that try to make homes around your home. We understand that your home is your safe place, but with aggressive stinging insects nearby it’s hard to feel safe.
We explained some areas where you might see hornet activity or wasp activity. We also provided 3 treatment options for stinging insect: general hornet control or wasp control, preventative spray options, and annual coverage.
You learned a bit about our Peak Seasons Plan. So if you only have had 1 pest issue per year and it’s wasps or hornets, we would recommend either the general hornet control or wasp control (that comes with nest removal) or the preventative sprays. But, if you have had more than 1 pest issue, we would recommend our annual plan because of the 3 guaranteed service visits and no extra cost for in between visits.
Either way, we hope you’ll give Done Right Pest Solutions a call for all your stinging insect needs as we are your go-to exterminator for wasps and hornets. 651-342-9489. Or email us at donerightpestsolutions@gmail.com.
We look forward to keeping your yard and home stinging insect free!
Done Right Team