
Comprehensive Cricket Control: Tips for Managing Field Crickets and Camel Crickets

Crickets can become a significant nuisance when they invade your home, with their incessant chirping and potential to cause damage. This article provides detailed information on controlling two common types of crickets: field crickets and camel crickets. Learn how to accurately identify these pests, understand their behavior and habitats, and implement proven methods for preventing and eliminating cricket infestations. For the best pest control for crickets, contact Done Right Pest Solutions.

And to skip ahead of the line, call the pros at Done Right Pest Solutions now for a free quote: 651-342-9489.

Field Cricket Control Success with Done Right Pest Solutions

Field crickets and grasshoppers are drought pests, they thrive when it is hot and dry.

Crickets are commonly spotted outside, though they can enter through small foundational cracks and crevices, like other insect and rodent pests and bother you inside your house.

The most commonly found crickets indoors are the field cricket, house cricket, and camel cricket.

While crickets do not cause any damage to your home or business, they can be a nuisance with their frequent chirps. Some crickets can cause damage to your stored items and others can damage some grass and plants in the yard. Other than that, crickets do not bite humans or harm them in any way.

Crickets only breed once per year so they aren’t a huge nuisance pest, only very bothersome in the hot and humid months. So if you’re looking for pest control for crickets, make sure to get treatment around their breeding season.

But, for the best pest control for nuisance pests and annoying pests, contact Done Right Pest Solutions!

For more information on Keeping Field Crickets in the Field, check out Pest Control Technology’s article!

Pest Control for Crickets: Cave Cricket & Camel Cricket Control Methods

Camel crickets look how you may think camel crickets should look: they have a little hump in their back. They are tan or light brown with darker stripes running along their bodies.

Camel crickets do not have wings, and as a result they do not chirp or sing. Camel crickets are also known as cave crickets and often give people the heebie jeebies, like house centipedes. It might be because their non-jumping legs still have an arch and their antennae are long and curved so at a first glance they could be mistaken as a stubby centipede.

These crickets love damp and moist areas inside or outside. Inside they are always found in basements or bathrooms, anywhere there is water and humidity. Outside they are found under logs and feed on decaying organisms and insects.

We have found that folks who live near rivers have these pests frequent their basements. So for camel cricket pest control and cave cricket pest control, call Done Right Pest Solutions at 651-342-9489. We offer one-time services and year-round pest control for crickets, keeping your basement camel cricket free!

Conclusion & Next Steps

For more information on cricket control, you can check out our article on cricket control, or you can give us a call! Our experienced technicians are here to help you when you need.

You learned about the different environments field crickets and cave crickets, also known as camel crickets, enjoy. You learned that Done Right Pest Solutions can get rid of those crickets and keep them away!

Start the conversation by emailing us at or call or text us at 651-342-9489.

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