Interior And Exterior Spider Control And Prevention Services -- Includes Inspection And Identification From Expert Pest Control Technicians
When we were kids, most of us dreamed of being Spider-Man. You know the story, a high school teen gets super powers after being bit by a radioactive spider. Spider-Man can shoot webs out of his wrists, sling webs, swing from his webs, climb walls on the pads of his fingers and toes, heal himself when he gets hurt; he has super agility and speed; of course he has his “spidey-sense,” and other cool abilities.
But, let’s be real, what happens when we get spider bites? Our skin gets red and puffy, itchy and irritated. Some folks who are sensitive may get a rash or other allergic reaction. And while these symptoms will dissipate (and no super powers come), some poisonous spiders can leave us sick, or worse.
So, unless you have “spidey senses” or can communicate with spiders, effective indoor and outdoor spider control is a must for you. Read on to learn more of how we treat on the inside of homes and the outside of homes for these nuisance pests.

Need a simple solution for your spider problem? Let us take care of your pest control needs, Done Right.
One-time services- Call today for a free estimate for interior and exterior spider removal: 651-342-9489.
No hassle service- Experience the peace of mind service Done Right Pest Solutions offers today: Learn more about our Peak Seasons Plan!
A Recap of the Types of Spiders in Minnesota and Wisconsin
The 5 types of spiders in Minnesota and Wisconsin as outlined in our article are as follows: daddy long-legs, cellar, garden, wolf, brown recluse, and a bonus of black widow.
Daddy long-legs and cellar spiders belong to the same family of spiders: the pholcidae. Daddy long-legs are delicate spiders, with very slender legs that can grow up to 2 inches long.
Daddy long-legs are very commonly found in basements, garages, sheds, etc. anything dark, damp, cool, and with a cave-like resemblance. As a result of living in the dark, their webs are messy and disorderly, showing little to no pattern at all.
Daddy long-legs are of the most common types of spiders in your home.
Cellar spiders typically have thicker legs than daddy long-legs, but they are still slender. Their body shape often resembles a peanut.
When threatened, cellar spiders can vibrate to scare a predator away. They do this while attached to their webs and it appears as though it is very windy, rocking the web and spider back and forth.
Cellar spiders, like daddy long-legs are also among the most common types of spiders in your home.
Garden spiders have easy to identify yellow markings on its back, and is a common outdoor spider found in gardens. They like sunny spots, but build their webs in more protected areas from the wind.
Garden spider webs are noticeably easy to recognize with its dense array of zig-zagging silk across the circular shape that can extend up to 2 feet in diameter.
Though these spiders like the outdoors, they can get into sheds and garages, which ranks them among the common types of spiders in your home.
Wolf spiders don’t spin webs and they live in solitude. Should they lay an egg case, they carry it on their backs, attached to their spinneret.
These spiders are hunters and have great eyesight, pouncing on prey as it comes near them. Wolf spiders like the dark and seclusion of basements, and are known to inhabit Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Wolf spiders are not as commonly found in residential homes as daddy long-legs or cellar spiders. If you live in the woods or near wooded areas they may be more common. Because of these areas in which wolf spiders are found it puts them on the list of types of spiders in your home.
Brown recluse spiders size ranges between a quarter of an inch to three quarters of an inch, legs not included. Their colors range from light brown to dark brown, with some varieties being a little whiter or grayer. Brown recluses have 3 sets of eyes, which is not common among spiders.
Brown recluses inhabit the US and even the norther, colder states. While they aren’t as common in Minnesota, they have been known to harbor and attack when threatened. Brown recluse spider bites can be painful, and their venom can affect humans in a number of ways.
Due to the type of fangs the brown recluse spider has, it’s venomous bite can become dermonecrotic loxoscelism, meaning the area of skin around the spider’s bite dies and becomes black. This is fairly rare as not all brown recluses bite with enough or strong enough venom to produce this reaction. Of those that do, however, another thing to be aware of is the possibility that the bites will cause systemic illness.
Because black widow spiders aren’t in Minnesota or Wisconsin, they probably won’t make it into your house, which made it a bonus in the list of types of spiders in your home.
To learn more about each of these types of spiders, be sure to check out our article on 5 types of spiders!
If you have any of these spiders in your home, give us a call for a free quote on interior and exterior spider control: 651-342-9489.

Benefits of Having Spiders
Spiders do eat other insects that may be inhabiting your home, so that is a benefit of having spiders. Spiders can perform some minor insect control too. If you have pests that don’t get caught in the spider’s webs, then you won’t be able to get rid of them by keeping your spiders around.
Spiders can also alert you to other pest issues that you may have. Some one benefit of having spiders is that they eat other pests and another benefit of having spiders is that they can alert you to other pest issues.
Tips for DIY Spider Control
If you have spiders in your home, there are some things you can do to help prevent spiders in your home and get rid of spiders in your home.
- Keep a tidy house and if you see any webs, vacuum them up. Spiders will often build webs on the outsides of homes, garages, and businesses during the warmer months too. You can vacuum these up. Most pest professionals include knocking down webs in their service descriptions.
- Cut the clutter. Clutter inside or outside has been proven to be covering and hiding spots for spiders and other pests. If you eliminate hiding spots for them, they will want to stay less.
- Another way to eliminate spiders is to eliminate their food source: treat for the insects the spiders are eating, and spiders will leave to find another food source. The best spider repellent is getting rid of all of their attractants.
- Seal off any cracks and crevices around your home where they might enter. This can be a big undertaking, especially if your home is older, but it can be a big payoff.
- Inspect any items that you are planning to bring into your home, as spiders can hide in bags and boxes.
- If you have allergic reactions to spiders, you may want to call your primary care physician. Otherwise, over-the-counter aids like Benadryl may help.
There are also natural approaches to discouraging spiders to build and reside in your homes or businesses. Among 10 tips recommended by Farmer’s Almanac, we would only recommend a few:
- White vinegar. The acidity and potency of smell and touch to sensitive insects have proven white vinegar to be an effective product against all types of spiders in your home.
- Citrus sprays. Citrus is another potent smell and has an acidic component as well. Citrus also smells more pleasant to humans and can dissolve other odors around the home too, like dead mice.
- Using fresh mint or peppermint oil has proven to be effective in repelling many insect and rodent pests.
- Peppermint oil is one of the best essential oils for effective spider repellent, or ant repellent.

Need a simple solution for your spider problem? Let us take care of your pest control needs, Done Right.
One-time services- Call today for a free estimate for interior and exterior spider removal.
No hassle service- Experience the peace of mind service Done Right Pest Solutions offers today: Learn more about our Peak Seasons Plan!
How We Perform Interior Spider Removal
Treating for spiders can be difficult because their legs are so long that when they walk over a pesticide that may be designed to kill them it never reaches their bodies. Spiders don’t groom themselves, meaning the end of their legs that may have encountered a chemical product won’t touch their bodies naturally.
Likewise, most water-based sprays won’t stick to the silk material webs are made out of. Instead, pest management professionals may opt to treat the structure where the webs are attached, as the spider may travel back up there and then come into close contact with the chemical product.
Of course if there are any visible spiders, pest professionals can treat the spiders directly using different products and applicators.
We use a commercial-grade product and target the higher up areas where they place their webs and curl up. Spiders can be hard to treat, even for professionals, due to their long legs. But, when treated correctly, they will die off.
Moreover, an exterior treatment may be needed so no more spiders come inside as well. Done Right Pest Solutions technicians inspect, identify, and treat spiders well. By using appropriate products for either type of web-building spider or hunting spider, and knowing where to treat for each are two most important keys.
Web-building spider treatments are applied along where their web connects with the structure, or on the actual spider(s) itself. Hunting spider treatments can be a bit more difficult, but knowing where these hunting spiders harbor and travel goes a long way. Treating cracks and crevices, nooks and crannies, and even dark corners should do the trick as these spiders like to hide out as they hunt. If there is any distance between either of these locations, our technicians may treat the surface, as they will come into contact with the surface as they skim along it while hunting.
Web-building and hunting are the two types of spiders in your home and we know how to treat them!
Give Done Right Pest Solutions a call for a free quote for interior and exterior spider control. 651-342-9489. Done Right Pest Solutions does spider removal right.
How We Perform Exterior Spider Removal
Often times with spiders, you’ll need to have the exterior of the home or business to eliminate all spiders on the interior and exterior. We often recommend interior and exterior treatment, because it’s the best deal, and because the interior treatment comes with the purchase of an exterior treatment.
If you’re looking for spider spray outdoor, we’ve got you covered. Read on to learn how we cover your home, literally.
First, Done Right Pest Solutions’ expert technicians, use their web poles to remove all spider webs (and wasp nests, if there are any) from the exterior of your home. Then, the technician will utilize a commercial-grade chemical product mixed with water in a power sprayer tank and apply it to coat the entire exterior of your home. We call this the power spray treatment.
Having your home power sprayed with a chemical product that dries clear within 1 hour is a must to eliminate all invasive seasonal pests that get into your home. This treatment is actually similar to our fall exterior power spray, except it’s for spiders, and it’s a different product that targets arachnids and other pests.
Another benefit of the exterior power spray is that it also targets other pests besides spiders, which is mentioned above. Mostly, it should also last the entire season, which is why we give a 2 month warranty.
If you’re in some need of quality home spider control, you came to the right place. Give Done Right Pest Solutions a call today for a free quote: 651-342-9489.
Next Steps
Done Right Pest Solutions is your best source for quality home spider control. We perform spider control in home and business regularly.
Give us a call and we can talk next steps from there: 651-342-9489. You can also text our office number. Feel free to email if that’s you’re preferred method of contact: donerightpestsolutions@gmail.com.
We’d love to help you with your spider control needs!
You’ve learned a lot about spiders in your home and spider control. If you’re wondering what kills spiders, the answer is Done Right Pest Solutions. We effectively get rid of spiders in home and in business. For a comprehensive service, read about our Peak Seasons Plan, otherwise, simply request a quote for a one-time spider service.
We can’t wait to help you keep those spiders away,
Done Right Team