Image highlighting fly control services, keeping your space fly-free and comfortable for everyone.

3 Restaurant Pests and Best Restaurant Pest Control Options

The last thing a restaurant needs is pests, but wherever there is food or shelter, pests come. Done Right Pest Solutions offers a variety of services and techniques according to your needs and budget. For the best restaurant pest control and commercial pest control services, call Done Right Pest Solutions.


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3 Restaurant Pests

There are certain pests that are attracted to different environments. Not every restaurant has certain types of pests either, but most restaurants have pests, and for that reason, the FDA requires restaurants to have preventative and reactionary pest control in place.

For the best restaurant pest control, look to the experts at Done Right Pest Solutions.

A few pests that are attracted to restaurants are: flies, cockroaches, mice, rats, and fruit flies.

Flies can come in from the outside, from shipments, from one fly laying eggs in some old food or drains, etc. Flies are a disruption and have negative perception (and rightly so) because they carry and spread illness and disease causing pathogens everywhere they go.

Close up photo of a black fly, indicating professional fly control services available.

Cockroaches can come in from produce shipments or supply shipments. They can hide out in wall voids, breed, and wreak havoc on restaurants. Cockroaches always have food available and they can be very difficult to get rid of for that reason.

Photo of German cockroaches, the most invasive cockroach species in MN, requiring professional cockroach extermination services.

Mice and rats are similar in nuisance. Rodents can squeeze in openings from the outside (one-fourth of an inch for mice and one-half of an inch for rats). Rats can also come up from the sewers in old cities, like Saint Paul and Minneapolis.

Mice and rats hide out in wall voids or basements of restaurants and can be a nuisance to get rid of. These rodents also carry illness and disease causing pathogens everywhere they go.

Image highlighting mouse control services, ensuring a rodent-free environment for you and your home.


Commercial Pest Control Options

Done Right Pest Solutions offers a unique approach to Commercial Pest Control. We offer regular custom services that take a proactive approach to your specific pest control needs. So, if your business has trouble with mice, we gear our approach to eliminate and prevent mice from entering your restaurant. If your restaurant has trouble with cockroaches, we gear our approach to eliminate and prevent cockroaches from breeding and living within the walls of your restaurant.

If your business has fly or fruit fly trouble, we have options that will fit your needs. Fruit flies often breed in drains and sinks. We have a proactive solution that is safe for drains that eliminate any fruit fly breeding grounds. When applied routinely, it eliminates the possibility that fruit flies can multiply within your restaurant.

We have a similar approach for fly control. We utilize monitoring devices and insect light traps to attract any live flies to those sources, which kill the flies. Then, we take a targeted approach to any and all breeding grounds, like with fruit flies. Eliminating live flies and breeding grounds for flies is the most powerful proactive fly control approach a restaurant can take.

When it comes to fly control, Pest Control Technology recommends eliminating or managing compost areas, fertilizer storage areas, and ultimately the food source, taking down as much of the population with cleaning as possible, then treating the harborage areas, and leaving a residual product for any future invaders.

Flies often lay their eggs in or right next to a food source so as soon as the eggs hatch they eat and grow before you even know you have a problem.

Flies are carriers of over 100 different diseases: typhoid, dysentery, cholera, tapeworms, giardia, and more. For this reason it is also important for pest management professionals to use products that have cleaning agents in them like bacticides (kills bacteria) or viricides (kills viruses).

Done Right Pest Solutions offers integrated approaches to fly treatments including these sanitary measures. Make sure your fly control plan has sanitary measures.

For any and all of your restaurant pest control needs, contact Done Right Pest Solutions. We have Weekly Service, Monthly Service, and Quarterly Service options available to fit the needs and budget of your restaurant.

Most restaurants require monthly service, but depending on the size and pest control concerns, weekly or twice monthly service may be needed. We can also add on quarterly service for exterior seasonal sprays and rodent exclusion and monitoring.

Feel free to check out our Commercial Flyer for more information as well. It is important to have expert technicians take care of all of your pest control needs.


Conclusion & Next Steps

You learned about 3 types of pests that affect restaurants in the Twin Cities metro area Minnesota and beyond. Flies and fruit flies can be hard to maintain for businesses, but pose health threats to the food industry. Cockroaches can come into restaurants from a variety of ways and then multiply rapidly and remain resilient against self-treating options. Mice and rats affect restaurants and can be difficult to control, especially during the winter.

These 3 types of pests are simple for Done Right Pest Solutions’ expert technicians to solve. We take a unique approach to each and every restaurant, employing techniques that work for the different issues and concerns that you have.

You learned of the commercial pest control options available to you, and that we mix and match our services to match your needs and budget.

If your restaurant is in need of a tune up on pest control, or if your current pest control provider is not eradicating your pest issues, give Done Right Pest Solutions a call today for a free lookover. 651-342-9489.

Here for all of your restaurant pest control needs,

Done Right Team


Have you tried to keep your restaurant pest free and been frustrated? Have you hired a company to complete these concerns for you? We would love to hear of your experience in the comments!


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