Flies can ruin a picnic because people know that they carry illness and disease wherever they land. Learn more about fly life spans and 4 expert tips for fly control in your home or business.
If you have flying bugs or flying insects in your home or business, rest assured, because Done Right Pest Solutions’ expert technicians can take care of these pests quickly and affordably. Give us a call for a free quote today: 651-342-9489. We are your expert fly control specialist: whether you have black flies, horse flies, bottle flies, drain flies, or phorid flies.
Table of Contents
Flies have a single pair of wings to fly, and that may have been where they got their name from. The most common of flying pests, their mouth parts are similar to mosquitoes, designed for piercing and sucking. Other species of flies have mouth parts for lapping and sucking.
The fly life span: eggs, larvae (referred to as maggots), pupae, adult. Adult flies only purpose is to mate and lay eggs, so this phase is very short-lived. Flies mate quickly and efficiently, leading to larger reproduction abilities among the insect kingdom.

A female will often lay eggs in soil, debris, or other area. The eggs hatch and become maggots and once having enough nutrients, they pupate.
The shell of the pupa is hard, so when the adult fly is ready to emerge, it puts a bubble around its head to help it work its way out of the shell.
There are over 1,000,000 species of flies and only documented evidence on 125,000. A lot of room to go in studying flies. And with so many flies, it can make fly control hard to maintain in homes and businesses.
Did you know flies are pollinators too? But while some flies help pollinate, most are pests to crops and gardens, spreading illness and disease.
Flies often spread food-borne illnesses. Flies are known as the ultimate picnic pest. Flies regurgitate what they’ve eaten before, spreading millions of bacteria and illness causing pathogens.
Flies are useful to fishermen as baits; zookeepers as food for reptiles and other animals; and biomedical uses such as wound care. Flies are even sometimes used in the maturation of cheeses and cured meats with their unique digestive enzymes giving unique aroma to the cheeses and meats. Who knew?!
So if you have flying bugs or flying pests in your home or business, or just flies or drain flies in your home or business, give Done Right Pest Solutions a call at 651-342-9489. Both drain flies and phorid flies can be hard to exterminate, but not for us.
Fly Control
Fly treatment is needed whenever flies are not in a useful area, like your home. Flies can lay eggs in different areas throughout your home, so if you have flies, identification of the fly is important and then the treatment method (fly control) is next important.
Often businesses, restaurants, and apartment complexes will want regular treatment of trash areas because flies can reproduce quickly and become a nuisance. Flies are attracted to the smell of trash and intensify the smell.
Any business with trash receptacles poses a risk to fly infestations. For efficient fly control for trash areas, call Done Right Pest Solutions: 651-342-9489.
Integrated Approaches
Pest Control Technology recommends eliminating or managing compost areas, fertilizer storage areas, and ultimately the food source, taking down as much of the population with cleaning as possible, then treating the harborage areas, and leaving a residual product for any future invaders.
Flies often lay their eggs in or right next to a food source so as soon as the eggs hatch they eat and grow before you even know you have a problem.
Flies are carriers of over 100 different diseases: typhoid, dysentery, cholera, tapeworms, giardia, and more. For this reason it is also important for pest management professionals to use products that have cleaning agents in them like bacticides (kills bacteria) or viricides (kills viruses).
Done Right Pest Solutions offers integrated approaches to fly treatments including these sanitary measures. Make sure your fly control plan has sanitary measures.
The average fly can fly speeds up to about 25 miles per hour.
Fruit flies and drain flies especially like to lay eggs and harbor in drains. They nest in the trap of drains, where food particles and bacteria congregate. This is the perfect location for a fly colony!
Pest control companies have to offer a liquid approach to treat these pests, common to restaurants or homes.
Done Right Pest Solutions’ expert technicians have the know-how to treat any flies, including fruit flies and drain flies. Drain treatments can be an important approach to fly control. It is important to treat flies, fruit flies, drain flies, and any other flying bugs or flying insects quickly so it doesn’t affect your health or your business.
Common house pests like house flies and bottle flies can be a real nuisance. These pests are often attracted to light and windows. For this reason our technicians may treat near or around windows with a liquid product, bait, or sticky trap.
These flies can hide in wall voids or other hard-to-locate areas and can make DIY pest control hard. If you ever have these types of flies, we would recommend getting some advice from seasoned professionals.
Our exterior sprays also target these pests seasonally so they don’t make their home in your homes. Our Peak Seasons Plan covers fly control.
Be on the lookout for other pest activity, as some folks experience mice and flies together (the photo above of maggots was a result of a dead mouse). Flies congregate wherever there is a food source, and so do other pests.
Since flies carry illness and disease, it is important to maintain fly control in your home. Our fall exterior power spray works well to prevent flies coming into your home in the fall.
For more information on Residential Pest Control, visit our page.
Restaurants and other businesses that sell food products are often targeted by pests. Ask any restaurant owner or worker and they’ve probably dealt with flies a time or two (or seasonally, every summer).
When it comes to restaurants, fly control is a multi-tiered approach. Pest control technicians need to treat preventatively in several ways, like with liquid treatments, liquid drain treatments, drain traps, glue traps and monitors, and even with insect light traps (ILTs).
Done Right Pest Solutions’ expert technicians have employed this multi-tiered approach for restaurants and offer the option to rent ILTs.
If your restaurant has fly issues, don’t hesitate to give us a call for a free quote: 651-342-9489. It is important to maintain fly control in your business.
For more information on commercial services we offer, you can view our Commercial Flyer or visit our Commercial Pest Control page. Give us a call today if you have drain flies or phorid flies in your restaurant!
Fun fact: The largest fly in the world is as big as 3 adult fingers. Shoo fly, don’t bother me!
Expert Tips for Fly Control & Fly Prevention
Flying pests can be more than just a nuisance, they can carry disease and illness causing pathogens to every surface they land on. It is important to get these flying pests eradicated as quickly as possible. Here are some expert tips for fly control and fly prevention:
- Clean up after your dog to make sure flies don’t lay eggs in feces
- Keep your kitchen tidy of spills
- Store your food in air-tight containers in a pantry, cupboard, or refrigerator, accordingly
- Be on the lookout of other pest activity that could lead to a fly infestation
- Make sure there are no little entry points on the outside of your home where flies could sneak in
- Keep a laundry vent cover
- Periodically check exterior openings where you have cables coming into your home (air conditioning lines, cable lines, telephone wires, etc.)
Conclusion & Next Steps
You learned a bit about the life-cycle of flies and how they reproduce quickly, but how the adult flies that we see mostly is the shortest life-stage.
You learned how important fly treatment is, and we briefly explained more than 4 treatment types when it comes to fly control. You learned the importance of treating fruit flies, flies, drain flies, and any types of flying insects and flying bugs in your home or business.
Finally, you learned a couple of tips you can do as a home owner to prevent flies in your home.
If you ever have any fly problems, give Done Right Pest Solutions a call. We can solve your pest issues with our effective treatment methods. We also offer the highest class of customer service, going above and beyond to create peace of mind for every customer. 651-342-9489
We look forward to talking with you.
Done Right Team
Have you ever had a fly infestation in your home? Or maybe flies at a picnic turned you off from enjoying the food? Unfortunately it happens, but we’d love to hear about it if you’d like to share in the comments below!
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