Graphic explaining Q & A about fruit flies, how to get rid of fruit flies, where do fruit flies come from, are fruit fly traps effective, are fruit flies dangerous, how often do fruit flies reproduce; and of course the best fruit fly control in the Minneapolis-St Paul metro area.

20 Best Questions and Answers Regarding Fruit Fly Control

There are a lot of questions when it comes to fruit fly control and fruit fly prevention. We gave our best tips and tricks to help prevent and eliminate fruit flies, but we want to expand the conversation.

Read on to learn the 20 best questions and answers regarding fruit fly control. Or, call Done Right Pest Solutions at 651-342-9489 for a free quote on our fruit fly control.


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20 Best Questions and Answers Regarding Fruit Fly Control

There are a lot of questions when it comes to fruit fly control. We want to answer these questions with some helpful tips.

Are fruit flies harmful?

Fruit flies are not harmful. Flies carry and spread diseases, fruit flies do not. In this regard, fruit flies are not harmful. Fruit flies are a nuisance.

Are fruit flies dangerous?

As noted above, fruit flies are not harmful, so fruit flies are not dangerous. Flies carry and spread diseases, fruit flies do not. Fruit flies are simply a nuisance.

Are fruit flies considered pests?

Fruit flies are most definitely considered pests. The definition of pest is either 1) “A destructive insect or animal that attacks crops, food, livestock, etc.”; 2) “An annoying person or thing; a nuisance”; or 3) “A plague”.

Fruit flies fall in definitions 1 and 2 because they are attracted to your ripe fruit or vegetables and they are most certainly annoying and a nuisance.

Where do fruit flies come from?

Fruit flies hatch from eggs, the eggs or adults can be on produce, packages, or other source. They can hide in drains or wall voids.

When are fruit flies active?

Fruit flies are active at all times throughout the year, but more common in the winter months or summer months. Really, they can come out of the blue, it may seem, but when you have ripe fruit.

How often do fruit flies lay eggs?

Fruit flies are very fertile. A female lays about 400 eggs onto a surface with fermenting food, bacteria, a damp area, older food, etc. There the eggs eat their fill and grow. As they get older, they look for dryer areas to pupate. Learn more about fruit fly prevention and elimination.

Why do fruit flies appear?

Fruit flies appear when they’ve pupated and are adults. They fly pretty quickly, with their wings flapping about 20 more than a humming bird.

When do fruit flies die?

Fruit flies can live for weeks, much longer than your average fly. It takes 12 days for a fruit fly egg to hatch, pupate, and become an adult. Once an adult, a fruit fly can live for several weeks. The duration of their life depends on its living conditions.

What do fruit flies eat?

Fruit flies eat organic material, this organic material causes the musty smell on old dishcloths, towels, mop buckets, sinks, or any standing water that has pooled.

How often do fruit flies need to eat?

Fruit flies need to eat every single day.

Graphic explaining Q & A about fruit flies, how to get rid of fruit flies, where do fruit flies come from, are fruit fly traps effective, are fruit flies dangerous, how often do fruit flies reproduce; and of course the best fruit fly control in the Minneapolis-St Paul metro area.

How often do fruit flies reproduce?

A female fruit fly lays about 400 eggs each time; producing thousands to tens of thousands of fruit flies in her lifetime.

Check out this fun article where the author interviews a fruit fly about mating rituals.

How often do fruit flies reproduce in homes?

As mentioned above, a female fruit fly lays about 400 eggs each time; producing thousands to tens of thousands of fruit flies in her lifetime. Fruit flies can quickly become an issue in homes and businesses.

How many fruit flies hatch?

A female fruit fly lays about 400 eggs at a time. So, up to 400 fruit flies hatch on a given egg batch.

How many fruit fly eggs hatch?

A female fruit fly lays about 400 eggs at a time. So, up to 400 fruit fly eggs hatch into 400 fruit flies.

Are fruit fly traps effective?

Fruit fly traps, like apple cider vinegar traps, can be very effective in eliminating fruit flies. Often fruit flies need multiple approaches when it comes to complete eradication. The apple cider vinegar trap has been known to take weeks to months, but can eliminate an entire fruit fly infestation.

If it is simply taking too long for your liking, or you’re not having the results you would like, it is best to call in some expert pest control technicians.

Are fruit fly traps toxic?

It depends on the fruit fly trap. The most common fruit fly trap is the apple cider vinegar trap. This trap is not toxic to humans. It has a very pungent aroma, so pets and small kids shouldn’t be attracted to these fruit fly traps.

Which fruit fly trap is the best?

The best fruit fly trap is the apple cider vinegar trap, or similar trap. The best fruit fly trap draws the fruit flies to it and traps them inside.

How many fruit fly traps do I need?

The answer varies depending on your fruit fly activity level and the number of rooms of your home that is seeing fruit flies. If you only have fruit flies in one room, just one trap may suffice. If you have a lot of activity, you may need a couple of traps in one room. If you have a few fruit flies in multiple rooms, you need one trap per year.

How to get rid of fruit flies?

You can get rid of fruit flies with fruit fly traps, or by hiring a licensed pest control company. There are benefits to each. One benefit of DIY fruit fly control is using a natural product like an apple cider vinegar trap. One benefit of using a pest control company for fruit fly control is warrantied service.

How can I get year-round fruit fly control?

If you have fruit flies multiple times per year, it may be time to think of year-round pest control service. Our Peak Seasons Plan offers a preventative approach to all crawling, jumping, flying, and stinging insect pests, as well as mice, rats, and voles. With this service option, our expert technicians can preventatively treat for fruit flies on the interior and exterior seasonally.

Graphic explaining Q & A about fruit flies, how to get rid of fruit flies, where do fruit flies come from, are fruit fly traps effective, are fruit flies dangerous, how often do fruit flies reproduce; and of course the best fruit fly control in the Minneapolis-St Paul metro area.


How We Treat Fruit Flies

Our technicians start each fruit fly service with an inspection. The inspection is vital to make sure fruit flies are the pest to treat for, or if you actually have drain flies or other type of insect. The inspection can also help identify the source, where the fruit flies are breeding.

Next, the technicians will treat the affected areas. Often this means drains, sinks, catch basins, etc. Occasionally it may be needed for the tech to treat in a wall void. If fruit flies are breeding in the wall void, it could mean that you have a leaky pipe that needs to be repaired. Fruit flies are attracted to standing water, and water sources. It is vital to repair these pipes if this is an issue.

Our service doesn’t come with a follow-up, but if one is needed, just let us know. Our service does, however, come with a 2 month warranty.

For the best fruit fly control, contact Done Right Pest Solutions: 651-342-9489.


Conclusion & Next Steps

You have learned a lot from this blog post. We hope we’ve answered the majority of the questions you might have about fruit flies. If you have fruit flies, it is important to get them taken care of quickly, as you’ve learned that one female fruit fly can lay up to 400 eggs at once.

If you have any additional questions, you can always call in for a free consultation and free quote of our service. Put your worries aside by calling Done Right Pest Solutions! 651-342-9489.

We’re here when you need us,

Done Right Team


Have you ever had fruit flies? They can be so annoying! Did you use any of the tips we mentioned in this article, or other tips? We would love to hear about what worked for you!


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