Image highlighting the benefits of proactive pest control, ensuring a pest-free and worry-free environment.

28 Reasons to Have 4 Seasons Pest Control

One of the questions we ask clients who call us for pest control is, “Do you ever have any other pest issues throughout the year?” We ask this question for reflection of pest control needs.

So many people do not have a thorough understanding of the issues their home could have: whether physical like foundational issues or between siding, window frame or door frame gaps, soffit or fascia warping or gaps, etc.; or internals like the furnace or air conditioning system is on its last leg, a minor leak occurs in an external or internal wall, etc.

It is OK that rarely someone is an expert of homes or their own home because there is so much to know. The main concerns of homeowners are is this home safe, reasonable, can you feel comfortable with your family here, etc. And that is as it should be. You shouldn’t have to worry about issues your home has or could potentially have.

You shouldn’t have to worry about seasonal pests causing a ruckus around or in your home, but it is a worry many have, and it is a worry many simply live with. But you don’t have to. You don’t have to live with pest issues or even pest worries.

In this guide we explain the number of reasons homeowners choose 4 seasons pest control, the common residential pests including seasonal pests, and we explain how we treat for the pests. At the end of the day, if you have a pest issue or pest concern, you need to make sure your needs are met. Done Right Pest Solutions is in the business of meeting needs and budgets with our affordable pest control program the Peak Seasons Plan, available with multiple discount opportunities.

Call Done Right Pest Solutions today to take advantage of your savings and get all of your questions answered. 651-342-9489.

You shouldn’t have to worry about seasonal pests causing a ruckus around or in your home, but it is a worry many have, and it is a worry many simply live with. But you don’t have to. You don’t have to live with pest issues or even pest worries.


Table of Contents:


The Reasons Are Infinite, But We List 28 Reasons

As a homeowner or landlord you have many responsibilities when it comes to home life. And while many complete DIY projects and research the best way to maintain their home on their own, some don’t even know where to start.

Maybe you don’t have enough time or money to complete DIY projects, after all many who start DIY projects and don’t finish the projects usually end up paying more to have a professional finish the project because it involves correcting an error the DIYer made.

Pest control doesn’t have to be that way. Done Right Pest Solutions takes the middleman out of your pest concerns. We take the time to research pests and the best, most proven ways to treat them. We take the time to research products to ensure we are using the most effective, cost saving, and environmental product that we could use.

It’s a balance we don’t take lightly because while we could use cheap products, they wouldn’t be effective or environmentally friendly, or we could use extremely environmentally friendly products, but they wouldn’t be effective or cost saving. So, when you’re purchasing a pest control service, you’re also purchasing a subscription to the company’s knowledge, expertise, and information. Plus, who can beat a 12 month warranty with no hidden additional fees? Not many companies have warranties like that; several include trip fees or callback fees. We don’t.


Image highlighting the benefits of proactive pest control, ensuring a pest-free and worry-free environment.


The Savings is between $100 & $500, But Can Be More

I titled this section “The Savings is between $100 and $500, But Can Be More” because our Peak Seasons Plan comes with 3 exterior sprays, 1 in the spring, 1 in the summer, and 1 in the fall. So I always calculate the savings based on the 2 most common reasons homeowners purchase the Peak Seasons Plan: i.e. they get mice in the winter and carpenter ants in the summer. If they have both of these issues nearly every year, if they purchased these 2 services every year that cost would be about $100 more than if they purchased the Peak Seasons Plan.

I used $500 as the other amount because if the homeowner also gets a paper wasp nest in the spring and boxelder bugs in the fall and they purchased these additional 2 services separately, it would cost them about $500 or more than if they had just purchased the Peak Seasons Plan to tackle these 4 issues.

We have built our pricing matrix just like other companies out there, but our goal is to save you money. It’s why we ask if you typically have pest issues throughout the year so you don’t have to call back in a couple of months and spend that extra $100+ on a service that could have been included with the Peak Seasons Plan.

We don’t just say that we want to save you money, we actually mean it. The proof is in the discounts. We offer senior discounts, military discounts, paid up front in full discounts (for annual and seasonal services only), and one-time discounts for some radio ads.

It’s a balance we don’t take lightly because while we could use cheap products, they wouldn’t be effective or environmentally friendly, or we could use extremely environmentally friendly products, but they wouldn’t be effective or cost saving. So, when you’re purchasing a pest control service, you’re also purchasing a subscription to the company’s knowledge, expertise, and information.


Common Residential Pests That Pest Management Professionals Treat

Let’s face it; we live in Minnesota and Wisconsin: there are going to be seasonal pests that can affect your living situation. Every Midwesterner knows that mice are fairly common when the weather gets cold, mosquitoes are a given in the summer (hey, we have a Mosquito and Tick Plan for that!), and carpenter ants try to eat your home in the warmer months.

For all of your seasonal pest control needs, there are so many reasons to have 4 seasons pest control, and we do just that at Done Right Pest Solutions. Read on to learn of the most common winter pests, spring pests, summer pests, and fall pests that are all included in our Peak Seasons Plan.


4 Winter Pests & Reasons to Have 4 Seasons Pest Control

The most common winter pests in Minnesota and Wisconsin are mice, voles, and creepy crawlies like spiders and centipedes.

Done Right Pest Solutions has expert technicians who treat mice and voles similarly, but with distinct characteristics to attract the desired pest and complete the successful rodent eradication.

Image highlighting mouse control services, ensuring a rodent-free environment for you and your home.Each one-time mouse service or one-time vole service comes with a first visit with exterior exclusion around the home, garage, and or other buildings, and placement of rodent control devices and bait. The service also comes with a 2 week follow-up where the situation is reassessed, and a 3 month warranty. Our 3 month warranty means there is no hidden or additional fees for additional visits for the pests, though often not needed.

Creepy crawlies like spiders and centipedes come in in the winter months. Spiders nest in the corners of our rooms, closets, shoes, and other dark, hard-to-reach places. Centipedes usually hang out in basements where they can feed on other insects and have dark, damp, seclusion from the world.

Done Right Pest Solutions offers effective treatments for these insects year-round, but interior only solutions in the winter. So for all of your winter pest control or 4 seasons pest control solutions, call Done Right Pest Solutions.


7 Spring Pests & Reasons to Have 4 Seasons Pest Control

Spring is a beautiful time of year when flowers blossom and trees bud. But, it’s also the time of year that insect pests wake up from their hibernation and try to make their homes in your home or they come out from hiding of your home.

Often folks will see fall pests wake up too early in the spring or a warm patch in the winter. We can treat boxelder bugs, Asian lady beetles, and other fall pests like stinging insects and stink bugs that may come out in the spring too.

Photo of a paper wasp nest, highlighting effective paper wasp removal methods, ensuring a sting-free and enjoyable outdoor experience.Done Right Pest Solutions treats other spring pests like pavement ants, paper wasps, and other spring pests. With thorough interior and exterior treatments for pavement or common ants, exterior power sprays for paper wasps and other spring pests.

Another spring pest that isn’t often recognized as a spring pest but rather an invasive pest is the springtail. These pests look similarly to fleas, but they are nothing of the sort. They do not feed on humans or pets. Instead they just come inside looking for water source, so they are often found in bathrooms or around sliding glass doors.

Done Right Pest Solutions offers a foundational treatment and interior spot treatment and drain treatments for these pests. Rest assured that once the water source is eliminated (like a leak or heavy rain dries up) they move on or die.

If you are in need of spring pest control or 4 seasons pest control, contact Done Right Pest Solutions to have your pest control service done right the first time.


7 Summer Pests & Reasons to Have 4 Seasons Pest Control

A close-up photo of a carpenter ant carrying a wood shaving, indicating their destructive nature and the importance of hiring a competent professional pest control service.Carpenter ants are one of the most common summer pests to have in Minnesota and Wisconsin homes and businesses. They can be undetectable at times, but they can also be very devastating to all structures.

Done Right Pest Solutions offers a foundational spray, 3 feet up and 3 feet out from the foundation, to put a barrier spray on your home. The product we use draws the carpenter ants out from their nest to it and the micro-encapsulated formula attaches to their legs and kills off the entire colony, kind of like a virus. The service comes with a 2 month warranty.

Flies are another hot weather pest that many experience with picnics, but they can infest homes, restaurants, and businesses alike.

With the help of glue boards, sticky traps, pheromone products, drain treatments, interior and exterior pesticide applications, Done Right Pest Solutions can solve any fly problem quickly.

Image of a Japanese beetle on an eaten leaf, indicating professional Japanese beetle control services.June bugs and Japanese beetles are common summer pests that wreak havoc on plants and gardens. And if it is hot and dry, grasshoppers and other drought pests can devastate gardens and fields.

Done Right Pest Solutions offers quality exterior and yard treatments to ensure these pests are managed and eradicated.

Even fruit flies can be a summer pest. Fruit flies are often attracted to fruit or vegetables left out on our kitchen counters, but they aren’t always so predictable. In fact, they will often breed in drains or wall voids if there is a leak.

We offer many handy tips and tricks to eliminate and manage fruit flies on your own, but if you ever need a professional service, we have the experience and expertise to eradicate your fruit fly issue. So, for all of your summer pest control needs, your 4 season pest control services, look to Done Right Pest Solutions expert staff for the answers.


10 Fall Pests & Reasons to Have 4 Seasons Pest Control

Falling temperatures in Minnesota and Wisconsin means that most pests try to come indoors before the cold season hits. Although it is normal, your home doesn’t have to be home to these fall invaders.

A close-up photo of boxelder bugs, common invasive pests during the fall season.

Pests like boxelder bugs, Asian lady beetles, and stink bugs all try to sun themselves on your siding before they search for little cracks and crevices to sneak in to over-winter.

Done Right Pest Solutions offers a fall exterior power spray from foundation to soffits, all the way around the home for protection from these invasive pests. The exterior spray is effective because when these invasive pests land on the siding and the residual component of the spray kills them off in 8 to 10 hours so they don’t have enough time to sneak into cracks and crevices of your home.

You can tell the treatment is working when you see little dead bugs around the foundation of your home.

Check out our YouTube video where you can watch the technicians work, performing the full power spray offered in the spring and fall as part of the Peak Seasons Plan.

Other common fall pests are hornets and wasps or even ground hornets. These stinging insects can make homes anywhere, whether a nest in a tree, on an overhang of a roof, or even in a wall void or underground.

Done Right Pest Solutions offers thorough and effective treatment for these stinging insects wherever they may be affecting you and your property.

Some other insects that can affect your home in the late summer to fall are crickets, earwigs, and silverfish.

We offer a one-time crawling insect service to treat these intricate seasonal and invasive pests. Interior treatment is usually most needed and exterior treatment is usually recommended or needed.

Fall pest control is one of the most important seasons to have pest control because everything tries to go inside before it gets cold. For all of your fall pest control needs and your 4 season pest control needs, contact Done Right Pest Solutions.


Introducing Our Peak Seasons Plan to Fit Your Needs & Budget

Our Peak Seasons Plan is the most cost effective option for you if you have 2 or more of the 28 seasonal pests listed in this article. This annual plan covers you for 3 exterior sprays:  in the spring, 1 in the summer, and 1 in the fall, which prevents the majority of pest issues in a given year. The spring and fall treatments are power sprays and the summer treatment is a foundational treatment to protect your home from carpenter ants and wood boring beetles.

Fall pest control is one of the most important seasons to have pest control because everything tries to go inside before it gets cold. For all of your fall pest control needs and your 4 season pest control needs, contact Done Right Pest Solutions.

Here is a bullet point list of the services and coverage provided with the Peak Seasons Plan:

  • Initial treatment for whichever pest you are calling or inquiring about;
  • Spring interior and exterior treatment; Really prevents pest activity in the eaves and gutters;
    • The spring treatment consists of interior treatment. All bugs try to hibernate in houses and other warm structures;
    • We also treat the entire exterior of the home, from foundation to soffits. This full treatment provides a barrier for your entire home from any spring pest activity too!
    • Our technicians use their web pole to remove any past pest activity like spider webs and wasp nests;
    • Finally, we also check the foundation to make sure no new entry points for mice formed over the winter;
  • Summer exterior treatment; Really prevents structural damage from carpenter ants;
    • The summer treatment is a simple treatment. The main pests of summer are crawling pests such as carpenter ants. We treat the exterior foundation about 3 feet up and 3 feet out;
    • If you have any interior concerns, we will check them out! Typically, interior treatment is not needed in the summer season;
    • If there are any signs of stinging insect activity up by the soffits and facia we may spray there preventatively;
    • Again, our technicians remove any spider webs and wasp nests that may have formed;
  • Fall interior and exterior treatment; Really prevents those fall invaders by over-wintering in your wall voids;
    • The fall treatment includes another full exterior spray of the house, from foundation to soffits. This full treatment is necessary for the intense fall invading insects that may try to over-winter inside your home;
    • We also treat the interior preventatively for mice and insects, gearing up for winter;
    • Our technicians remove any spider webs and wasp nests one last time before winter;
    • And we do a thorough check of the foundation, closing any entry points that have not been sealed;
  • Anything else that may come up either in between the seasonal treatments;
  • Anything else that may come up over the winter.

If you’d like to read more about the Peak Seasons Plan, including some frequently asked questions, check out our post on whether or not it’s right for you. You can always reach out to us if you have any questions as well. The Peak Seasons Plan is the most cost effective option we have for residential pest control.

Call today to take advantage of our Peak Seasons Plan and ask about our discount opportunities!


Why Done Right Pest Solutions

Aside from our excellent service and 5-star reviews, we also offer several discount opportunities for either your one-time services or your year-round or seasonal services. All of our clients this year either switched to us or were repeat customers from last year.

That’s a little joke because any business’ clients were either new or repeat, haha.

See? We’re more than just pest control professionals, we’re also down-to-earth, trustworthy, funny individuals. Our first priority is highest quality customer service, which includes highest quality pest control service, because it doesn’t matter if we’re nice and friendly if we don’t also get qualitative results. It’s just a plus that we are also nice and friendly. But you can read more about us on our about us page.

And for more information on our satisfied customers, check out our testimonials and Google reviews.


Image highlighting the benefits of proactive pest control, ensuring a pest-free and worry-free environment.


Conclusion & Next Steps

You’ve learned quite a bit in this thorough guide. We opened up the guide with the most common concern when it comes to why some don’t choose 4 seasons pest control services: money. We explained how our first goal is to keep you pest free and our close second goal is to save you money while keeping you pest free.

We list 28 reasons to have 4 seasons pest control including information about 4 winter pests, 7 spring pests, 7 summer pests, and 10 fall pests. These are all common reasons to have 4 seasons pest control and Done Right Pest Solutions are the experts when it comes to seasonal pest control.

You learned in detail about our Peak Seasons Plan and all the services it comes with. Finally, you learned why so many are choosing Done Right Pest Solutions. So, give us a call for all of your 4 seasons pest control needs and know that saving you money is one of our goals.

Call or text us at 651-342-9489 or email us at We can’t wait to hear from you soon.

Here when you need us for inspections, one-time services, seasonal services, and year-round (4 seasons pest control) services,

Done Right Team


Done Right Pest Solutions
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