Oakdale Pest Control
Helpful solutions for residential & commercial clients in need of Oakdale pest control
Oakdale is a bustling community, one of few that has a main street (Hadley Avenue) that runs the entire length of the city.
Family is important to Oakdale residents, with about 33% of the population having children in the home. About 10% of residents are senior citizens ages 65 and older.
Done Right Pest Solutions offers highest quality residential pest control options with unique discount opportunities. If you live or work in Oakdale, look no further for all of your Oakdale pest control needs than Done Right Pest Solutions.

Residential services — Oakdale pest control
Done Right Pest Solutions offers so many residential services for pest control Oakdale residents could ever need. From one-time services, wildlife removal, to outdoor services, and year-round pest control options, we have you covered!
Here are a few examples of our one-time services we offer:
Our mouse service, where we close foundational gaps and place rodent control devices on the inside; it comes with a 2 week follow-up and a 3 month warranty.
Our carpenter ant service consists of an exterior foundational spray treatment, interior inspection as needed, and a 2 month warranty. If you don’t know if you have carpenter ants, check out our article on How to Spot this Devastating Pest.
Our stinging insect service, which covers you for any type of hornet, wasp, yellow jacket, or bumblebee, even MN wasps like the cicada killer wasp. This service involves treatment and removal of any visible nest(s) and a 2 month warranty. Check out our blog for tips for what to do with hornet and wasp activity. And call Done Right Pest Solutions for all treatment of MN wasps and hornets: 651-342-9489.
For a complete list of our one-time service options, view our services page. We offer the highest quality services coupled with the best customer service to keep you safe and sane, in the midst all of your Oakdale pest control needs.
We also perform wildlife services like:
Our squirrel removal service consists inspection, recommendation on filling the opening(s) caused by squirrels, live trap placement and baiting. We use live traps to remove and relocate the squirrels 10 miles or more away from your home. For more information on our squirrel control methods, check out our article on the 5 Types of Squirrels in Minnesota and Wisconsin.
We perform pest control squirrels services, with the best results. So for your residential pest control squirrels services, call Done Right Pest Solutions at 651-342-9489.
We perform opossum removal and relocation services and raccoon removal and relocation services as well, just with larger live traps. If in the event of a rabid raccoon, we do have humane euthanization abilities, but we haven’t had any rabid raccoon calls.
So for all of your Oakdale pest control, included wildlife services, call Done Right Pest Solutions.
Our outdoor services consist of mole control and mosquito and tick control.
Our mole service comes with a humane approach that is 100% proven safe for children and pets: NO poisons or baits! We use a carbon dioxide machine that puts any live moles in the yard to sleep, and then we stop down the tunnels. This service comes as a one-time option with a follow-up or a seasonal service in case you live near the woods where you can’t eradicate them.
We perform pest control for ticks and pest control for mosquitoes, too! Our Mosquito and Tick Plan comes with monthly mosquito and tick treatments proven to eradicate up to 95% of mosquitoes breeding and harboring in your yard. Mosquitoes and ticks carry and spread diseases. We help eliminate the risk of contracting diseases like Lyme’s in your backyard. It is important to have pest control for ticks and mosquitoes!
Done Right Pest Solutions only employs the highest quality products and the most effective techniques resulting in highest satisfactory service. Keep us in mind for your Oakdale pest control, including outdoor services.
And your year-round service option is our Peak Seasons Plan. It covers you for 3 exterior sprays in the spring, summer, and fall, and if you need anything else in between or over the winter, you just call!
The Peak Seasons Plan is the most comprehensive pest control plan we offer. It comes with the seasonal treatments and the year-round warranty. For your needs pest control Oakdale residents, ask about the Peak Seasons Plan, or read our article to determine if the Peak Seasons Plan is for You.
Learn more about our residential services on our Residential Pest Control page.
Senior discount opportunities
Done Right Pest Solutions staff understand the human need to feel safe in your own home. Home is where you can be yourself, it is your safe place. But it is hard to feel safe around pests, as they add a level of discomfort to your life.
Because of this, we offer our affordable Peak Seasons Plan. And on top of that, we offer multiple discount opportunities to keep your prices as low as possible. We are committed to not only help solve your Oakdale pest control needs, but also keep your budget intact.
We offer the senior discount for one-time services too, a savings of 5%! Call today to learn more of how you can save on pest control you need! 651-342-9489.

Want an effortless solution? Let us take care of your pest control needs, Done Right.
One-time services- Choose from one of the options listed above.
Year-round services- If you have multiple pest concerns, choose our Peak Seasons Plan!
Commercial services — Oakdale pest control
- Bed bug service
- The first visit requires zero prep work.
- Includes treatment of bed, baseboards, hallways, couches, and any other locations where bed bugs could be hiding.
- Includes a 2 week follow-up and a 3 month warranty from the first service.
- Want to learn more about bed bugs? Check out our Complete Bed Bug Guide!
- Cockroach service
- The first visit requires zero prep work.
- Includes immediate eradication of roaches, treatment to backs of appliances, and baits in the cabinets.
- We perform a 2 week follow-up to check on bait and remaining roach activity.
- The service includes a 3 month warranty from the first service.
- Flea service
- The first visit requires zero prep work
- Includes inspection and treatment of baseboards and carpets as needed in the affected areas.
- Includes a 2 week follow-up, though in many cases it isn’t needed.
- The service includes a 3 month warranty.
We offer year-round services and the most commonly purchased options are our monthly service and quarterly service. You can learn more about these options on our Commercial Flyer.
For apartment complex owners and property managers we have mix-and-match service options.
For mix-and-match services we offer:
- Weekly
- Twice Monthly
- Monthly
- Every Other Monthly
- Quarterly
- Quarterly Exterior Baitstations
- Exterior Seasonal Sprays
- Mosquito & Tick Sprays
For more information, you can visit our Multi-Family Housing Pest Control page. For all of your commercial needs for Oakdale pest control, we hope you’ll look to Done Right Pest Solutions for service.
We perform quite a few pest control squirrels services for commercial properties and multi-family housing properties too. Larger buildings are not immune to squirrel invasions. If you are looking for commercial pest control squirrels services, give us a call at 651-342-9489.
Conclusion & next steps
You have learned a lot of information regarding all of the services provided for Oakdale pest control. Done Right Pest Solutions has an extensive list for residential services and commercial services alike. From one-time services for mice or MN wasps and wildlife removal to outdoor services like pest control for ticks and year-round services like our Peak Seasons Plan, we have you covered!
You also learned about our senior discounts available to any resident 60 years of age and over. Done Right Pest Solutions strives to keep prices as low as possible.
For all of your Oakdale pest control needs, look no further than Done Right Pest Solutions.
Here when you need us and affordable too!
Done Right Team