Little Canada Pest Control
Simple Little Canada Pest Control Services Offered to All Residents & Businesses looking for Routine & One-Time Pest Control Services
Little Canada does have some ties to Canada when a French Canadian settler founded the town. Little Canada is surrounded by Maplewood, Roseville, Shoreview, Vadnais Heights, White Bear Lake, White Bear Township, and not far from Saint Paul.
With so many of the surrounding municipalities covered by Done Right Pest Solutions’ umbrella of service coverage, we would be honored to provide pest control services to all looking for Little Canada pest control.
For a quick quote, feel free to give us a call anytime at 651-342-9489, or read on to learn of specific quality pest control services we offer for those looking for both residential pest control and commercial pest control. We look forward to serving you!

Residential Pest Control — Little Canada Pest Control
As any homeowner knows house maintenance can be a pain to deal with. Sometimes things break and need repair. Sometimes homes need upgrades. And sometimes these repairs and upgrades are caused by just time and weather, while other times these repairs and upgrades are caused by pests.
Done Right Pest Solutions offers affordable one-time options to eliminate property damaging pests like carpenter ants or stinging insects, and sometimes there are just invasive pests like boxelder bugs or stink bugs driving you crazy.
We get it. It’s why we offer simple one-time services with no attachments or contracts, but we do also have a popular annual pest control program that could fit your needs and budget and keep you pest-free all year. We let you decide!
It’s also important to note that ants, mosquitoes, and rodents are prevalent in residential areas, especially near water or wooded spaces. So, read on to learn of commonly purchased services in Little Canada, and if you’re looking for some Little Canada pest control, look no further than Done Right Pest Solutions.
Commonly purchased one-time services:
- Carpenter Ants
- Includes a perimeter spray of the foundation about 3 feet up and 3 feet out to create a barrier for your home.
- The product we use gets on the ants and any crawling insect’s legs and they transfer it to other ants.
- Includes a 2 month warranty.
- Hornets and Wasps
- Options include preventative sprays for soffits and facia to treatment of visible nests.
- If there is a visible nest, treatment is applied and the nest is removed.
- A 2 month warranty is included with each service option.
- Fall Invading Insects
- Includes a full fall exterior power spray of the entire house from foundation to soffits, fascia, gutters, etc. (If you typically get your windows washed, you’ll want to do so AFTER our service).
- Includes knockdown of any spider web buildup or stinging insect nests.
- Comes with complementary treatment for crawling insects, like in the basement.
- Includes a 2 month warranty.
- And more! If you don’t see what you are looking for, check out our services page.
One-time service options are great if you typically don’t have pests around your home. But for those of us who live near a lot of nature and experience plenty of crawling insects like spiders and centipedes in their basements, there is a regular maintenance plan that will help keep your home pest free!
- Peak Seasons Plan
- Spring treatment – interior and full exterior treatments for all crawling insects and ants
- Summer treatment – exterior only for carpenter ants and other crawling insects. If interior is needed, we will treat as well.
- Fall treatment – interior and full exterior treatment for Boxelder bugs, Asian lady beetles, hornets, wasps, and other fall invading pests. Mice are treated and prevented with baits or traps.
- Winter — No scheduled treatment, but if any crawling insects or mice come in, we come out no additional charges.
- Learn more about this plan as well as some frequently asked questions in this in-depth post “How to Know if the Peak Seasons Plan is for You“.
Commercial Pest Control — Little Canada Pest Control
Nothing gives tenants, customers, and business owners peace of mind like insurance. If a storm damages your property, you make a claim and you’re covered. If you’ve been in an accident, your insurance company covers it.
It is the same for pest control. There are different types of insurance and there are different types of pest control programs.
Done Right Pest Solutions offers one-time services for invasive, irregular pests. For example, say you typically don’t have pests, but a mouse problem comes up one winter. We have a one-time service for that.
Commonly purchased one-time services:
- Mice
- Includes exterior exclusion, interior bait station or trap placement how the technician sees fit.
- We perform a 2 week follow-up to check on bait stations and mouse activity.
- The service includes a 3 month warranty from the first date of service
- Hornets and Wasps
- Options include preventative sprays for soffits and facia to treatment of visible nests.
- If there is a visible nest, treatment is applied and the nest is removed.
- A 2 month warranty is included with each service option.
- And more! If you don’t see what you are looking for, check out our services page.

For those who like to have preventative pest control done monthly or quarterly, there are benefits: peace of mind, no hassle, and no additional trip fees if something comes up in between visits. These programs are the perfect fit for office buildings, strip malls, retail spaces, and warehouses!
Commonly purchased year-round services:
- Monthly
- Regular treatment of all common areas, hallways, break rooms, entry ways, etc. (tailored to fit your building’s needs)
- Includes interior and exterior rodent and insect control
- Cockroaches and bed bugs priced separately
- Quarterly
- Semi-regular treatment of all common areas, hallways, break rooms, entry ways, etc. (tailored to fit your building’s needs)
- Includes interior and exterior rodent and insect control
- Cockroaches and bed bugs priced separately
- And More for all your Little Canada pest control needs. View our Commercial Flyer or our Commercial Pest Control page for more options and descriptions

Want an effortless solution? Let us take care of your pest control needs, Done Right.
One-time services- Choose from one of the many options listed above.
Year-round services- If you have multiple pest concerns, choose our Peak Seasons Plan!
Rental Property Pest Control — Little Canada Pest Control
When it comes to having a rental property, it is best to have a pest control vendor on retainer in case any issues arise. Pests are no respecter of persons and bed bugs and cockroaches can actually spread simply through travel, second-hand items, ordering things online, and other things most folks do on a regular basis.
Owning a property in Minnesota means that little cracks and crevices that form from the change in seasons and our lovely freeze-thaw cycles, which contributes to routine mouse issues.
Whether your rental property has ever had an issue with bed bugs, cockroaches, mice, or not, it’s never too late to research the best companies and be ready in the case something comes up, or, better yet, get on a routine quarterly service, like our Peak Seasons Plan, to prevent seasonal and invasive pests from getting in. (Bed bugs always priced separately).
So if you’re looking for pest control for rental properties, look no further than Done Right Pest Solutions. Keep in mind that pests like bed bugs and cockroaches are common in apartment complexes and residences.
We treat for invasive pests every single day. We know the importance of early detection and identification. We even wrote a Bed Bug Guide: How to Know When to Call in the Pros! With our one-time bed bug service, we’ve never had a case that we couldn’t solve (and we’ve treated entire apartment complexes for them). The average bed bug issue can be resolved in a little over 2 weeks, and if infested, more like 4 weeks to 6 weeks.
Cockroaches can be hard to spot, since they are nocturnal. Chances are, once a renter has spotted them, there are hundreds to thousands of them. Some landlords will look up some roach foggers or bug bombs and self-treat, but the vast majority of over-the-counter roach products have repellant products within, so they don’t actually solve the issue.
Repellants drive the roaches to hide in the wall voids for up to months at a time. So it can give the err that the roaches are gone, but really they are just reproducing and will come out stronger than ever once the repellant has worn off. So what do you do? You call the roach pros: Done Right Pest Solutions.
There are 4 common types of cockroaches in Minnesota, and we can exterminate these 4 and more. For more information on our one-time roach service, or to have all of your questions answered, call our office today at 651-342-9489.
Mice are aggressive to get inside a structure, especially in the below-zero temps. Whether your rental property gets mice every winter or it’s never had mice before, it’s best to seal up the foundation every fall for preventative mouse control.
If you want to do this on your own to save a little bit of money, you’re certainly welcome to! We would highly suggest checking out our Complete Mouse Control Guide where we go step-by-step describing how we perform our own mouse services. Should you need some help, we would be honored to help! We have a very common one-time mouse service available year-round.
Contact the pros at Done Right Pest Solutions for all of your Little Canada MN pest control, guaranteed.

Want an effortless solution? Let us take care of your pest control needs, Done Right.
One-time services- Choose from one of the many options listed above.
Year-round services- If you have multiple pest concerns, choose our Peak Seasons Plan!
Testimonials in Little Canada MN
We are grateful for the opportunity to care for homes and businesses in the Little Canada MN area. Check out some of our testimonials in Little Canada MN.

Conclusion & Next Steps
We hope you’ve learned a lot about the best Little Canada MN pest control services available to all in need of residential pest control, commercial pest control, or rental property pest control.
We gave some specific one-time services available for purchase, but also explained our routine, annual pest control services for both residential pest control, commercial pest control, and pest control for rental properties.
There are no better hard-working techs than those at Done Right Pest Solutions, and we think our 5-star Google reviews prove it. We would love the opportunity to care for your home or property. Feel free to call or text us at 651-342-9489 or email us anytime at
We look forward to hearing from you,
Done Right Team