White Bear Township Pest Control

Excellent White Bear Township Pest Control Services for Residential and Commercial Pest Control Needs

White Bear Township is a very unique place within the MinneapolisSt. Paul metro area. The Township is described as an “urban township” in Ramsey County. Its governing body is a Town Board, unlike other municipalities’ City Council. It has a small-town feel with all the benefits of the metro area. It also has fairly consistently low taxes.

But just like other municipalities in the metro area, pests don’t care if you live in a small town or a big city, have a couple of acreage or just a couple thousand square feet.  When business owners and residents find themselves in need of a quality pest control company, Done Right Pest Solutions is available with fair prices and competent professionals.

We even have several discount opportunities, so you’re welcome to skip straight to the: call now for a free quote 651-342-9489.

Image showcasing pest control services in White Bear Township, MN, keeping your home pest-free and protected.

Rural Pests — White Bear Township Pest Control

While large cities like Minneapolis and Saint Paul have more urban pests like rats, cockroaches, and bed bugsMinneapolis was actually ranked in the top 50 cities in the country battling bed bugs — towns, whether small or large, still get pests.

Some common rural pests are still all creepy crawlies: spiders, centipedes and millipedes, earwigs, silverfish, etc. There are quite a few variety of spiders, and if you ever get spider web build up on the outside of your home, our services would benefit you, because our technicians remove spider webs and wasp nests, every time. Centipedes are hunters that typically hang out in the basement or in wall voids, while millipedes are more commonly outside in mulch, for example. Knowing their behavior can help you know if you have an issue. Earwigs hang out outside in the dirt, but can get inside; and silverfish can get inside and would be attracted to bathrooms.

Many get one common ant or another, like: pharaoh ants, pavement ants, or carpenter ants. Pharaoh ants look like pavement ants, but their colony structure is different and thereby harder to eradicate unless one is an experienced technician. Pavement ants are commonly attracted to stucco homes or homes on a slab. Carpenter ants can be super destructive, so it’s important to catch these pests as soon as possible.

Finally, there are the fall pests like Asian lady beetles, boxelder bugs, stink bugs; there are stinging insects. And mice typically try to get inside in the fall as well, though some have them all year. Fall invaders are not destructive, but they can certainly be annoying. Our fall exterior power spray keeps these pests from overwintering in your home. Stinging insects seek to build homes under a soffit or fascia overhang, sometimes in a tree, or even in the ground or a crack in the foundation. I’d always recommend a professional take care of stinging insect nests. And mice can be tricky, but we have step-by-step instructions for performing your own mouse service.

For any and all of these pests, contact Done Right Pest Solutions, your one-stop-shop for all things pest control!

Done Right Pest Solutions offers a complete approach to residential pest control with affordable year-round options to simple one-time services. Get your pest service done right!

Want an effortless solution? Let us take care of your pest control needs, Done Right.

One-time services- Choose from one of the many options listed below.

Year-round services- If you have multiple pest concerns, choose our Peak Seasons Plan!

Commercial Pest Control — White Bear Township Pest Control

Nothing gives tenants, customers, and business owners peace of mind like insurance. If a storm damages your property, you make a claim and you’re covered. If you’ve been in an accident, your insurance company covers it.

It is the same for pest control. There are different types of insurance and there are different types of pest control programs.

Done Right Pest Solutions offers one-time services for invasive, irregular pests. For example, say you typically don’t have pests, but a mouse problem comes up one winter. We have a one-time service for that.

Check out our Services Page, or the Services tab that lays out services like Mice, Carpenter Ants, Hornets and Wasps, Spiders, Squirrels and more!

For those who like to have preventative pest control done monthly or quarterly, there are benefits: peace of mind, no hassle, and no additional trip fees if something comes up in between visits. Done Right Pest Solutions offers peace of mind with our quality commercial services.

Commonly purchased year-round services:

  • Monthly
    • Regular treatment of all common areas, hallways, break rooms, entry ways, etc. (tailored to fit your building’s needs)
    • Includes interior and exterior rodent and insect control
    • Cockroaches and bed bugs priced separately
  • Quarterly
    • Semi-regular treatment of all common areas, hallways, break rooms, entry ways, etc. (tailored to fit your building’s needs)
    • Includes interior and exterior rodent and insect control
    • Cockroaches and bed bugs priced separately
  • And More for all your White Bear Township pest control needs. View our Commercial Flyer or our Commercial Pest Control page for more options and descriptions

For a free quote on commercial services for pest control White Bear Township, give our experts at Done Right Pest Solutions a call today: 651-342-9489.

Residential Pest Control — White Bear Township Pest Control

Done Right Pest Solutions offers many one-time services to fit your needs and budget. For whatever your needs are, some of the most common one-time services for residential services are:

  • Mice
    • Includes exterior exclusion, interior bait station or trap placement how the technician sees fit.
    • We perform a 2 week follow-up to check on bait stations and mouse activity.
    • The service includes a 3 month warranty from the first date of service.
  • Hornets and Wasps
    • Options include preventative sprays for soffits and facia to treatment of visible nests.
    • If there is a visible nest, treatment is applied and the nest is removed.
    • A 2 month warranty is included with each service option.
  • Carpenter Ants
    • Includes a perimeter spray of the foundation about 3 feet up and 3 feet out to create a barrier for your home.
    • The product we use gets on the ants and any crawling insect’s legs and they transfer it to other ants.
    • Includes a 2 month warranty.
  • Fall Exterior Power Spray
    • This service is an exterior, full house spray from foundation to soffits to prevent Asian lady beetles and boxelder bugs from coming inside.
    • This spray is crucial to preventing these pests from over-wintering inside your home.
    • Includes a 2 month warranty.
    • Read more about these pests in “Why You Have Fall Pests Now”
  • Mosquito and Tick Plan
    • Comes with our seasonal warranty and monthly treatments of your property
    • The technician will treat a barrier around your property, any lawn ornamentation, and all trees, bushes, shrubs, and tall grasses.
    • From there, the technician will treat all activity areas of your yard (where you like to hang out).
    • We have 1x options for backyard weddings and grad parties!
  • And more! If you don’t see what you are looking for, check out our services page.

We also offer an affordable year-round service called our Peak Seasons Plan. This option covers you for a 12 month warranty, versus 2 or 3 months, and comes with 3 guaranteed visits. Plus if you need anything in between or over the winter, all you have to do is call!

  • Peak Seasons Plan
    • Spring treatment – interior and  full exterior treatments for all crawling insects and ants
    • Summer treatment – exterior only for carpenter ants and other crawling insects. If interior is needed, we will treat as well.
    • Fall treatment – interior and full exterior treatment for Boxelder bugsAsian lady beetles, hornets, wasps, and other fall invading pests. Mice are treated and prevented with baits or traps.
    • Learn more about this plan as well as some frequently asked questions in this in-depth post “How to Know if the Peak Seasons Plan is for You.”

Learn more information about our residential services on our Residential Pest Control page. Or, call today for a free quote for pest control White Bear Township MN: 651-342-9489.

Discount Opportunities

Done Right Pest Solutions offers some common and some unique discount opportunities.

We always offer 10% paid in full discounts for any of our seasonal services: our Peak Seasons Plan, our Mosquito and Tick Plan, and our Seasonal Mole Service or Vole add-on to the Peak Seasons Plan Service.

We offer 5% senior (60+) and 5% military or veteran discounts for any service purchased from us.

We’ll even cap our discounts at 20%, so if you are a senior and a veteran, you’ve achieved the maximum discount we offer.

Finally, we offer some sales in the winter, that help everyone planning on renewing another year with us save more.

We don’t have a sales team. We believe pest control sells itself. And for most folks, pest control is not a “fun” thing to purchase. So we try to be as helpful and as hassle-free as possible! Need more proof? Check out our 5-star Google review rating!

Done Right Pest Solutions offers a complete approach to residential pest control with affordable year-round options to simple one-time services. Get your pest service done right!

Want an effortless solution? Let us take care of your pest control needs, Done Right.

One-time services- Choose from one of the many options listed above.

Year-round services- If you have multiple pest concerns, choose our Peak Seasons Plan!

Testimonials in White Bear Township MN

Done Right Pest Solutions is pleased to offer pest control services to all in White Bear Township MN. We love caring for the community and love the small-town feel outside of the hustle and bustle of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul metro area. For the best residential pest control, check out Done Right Pest Solutions. And for the best testimonials in White Bear Township MN, check these out!

"Service is very good and the staff are always very friendly."
Done Right Pest Solutions offers a complete approach to residential pest control with affordable year-round options to simple one-time services. Get your pest service done right!
Patti in White Bear Township MN
Google Review
"Love this service, for the things I don't love so much. Prompt, thorough and professional. Can highly recommend."
Done Right Pest Solutions offers a complete approach to residential pest control with affordable year-round options to simple one-time services. Get your pest service done right!
Beth in White Bear Township MN
Google Review

Conclusion & Next Steps

If you live in the White Bear area and are looking for White Bear Township pest control, you’re in good hands. Our qualified technicians are thoughtful and caring, they take their time to inspect and treat pests according to the activity level they see.

For the best residential pest control, commercial pest control, or yard pest control, contact Done Right Pest Solutions for all of your pest control White Bear Township needs.

Start the conversation by sending an email to donerightpestsolutions@gmail.com or calling or texting 651-342-9489.

We can’t wait to help,

Done Right Team

Done Right Pest Solutions
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