Hastings Pest Control

Best, Honest Hastings Pest Control for Residential Services & Commercial Services; Including Outdoor Services & Quality Education of Pest Control

A city split between 2 counties: Washington County and Dakota County, where Hastings resides as the county seat of the latter county.

Hastings is a young city with the importance of community and family ingrained in its roots. It has strong emphasis in agriculture and has history in trading, being a port city of 3 rivers: Mississippi, Vermillion, and Saint Croix. Hastings also has a strong education background, with its 13 schools.

For the best residential and commercial services, as well as education regarding pest control, look to the experts at Done Right Pest Solutions. We take pride in serving all in need of Hastings pest control and pest control in Minnesota.

Image showcasing pest control services in Hastings, MN, keeping your home pest-free and protected.

Home life — the importance of pest control

Done Right Pest Solutions wants to keep your family safe. It’s part of the reason why we went into business. We are committed to explaining how we treat each pest concern you have, and ensuring that you know that our products will not affect the health of your family or pets.

We only use EPA and FDA approved certified safe products, that are safe once dry and do not come off on fingers, toes, or paws. This is true of our interior service and exterior service. We want all in need of Hastings pest control to have safe and effective services.

Home is more than just where you live, it is where you thrive. Home is where you feel safe and one of the few places where you can completely be yourself. Home is something special.

Pests take away something when they invade your home. They take away your confidence. Not only that, but they bring in bacteria, viruses, and diseases.


It is known that mice carry diseases and roaches carry diseases. But did you know that fleas carry diseases too? It’s true! They actually carry the pathogens and infested the rats that caused the bubonic plague. Experts have studies that show that fleas are the pest of 2021. Read more about “Expert Advice on Flea Control.”

I bring up flea control because so many of us have furry family and we want our pets to be healthy and safe too. Fleas infest millions of homes each year, as explained in that article. But something that isn’t as commonly talked about is that fleas affect more than just the pets: they affect every single person living in that house.

Pest control is necessary for higher health quality, and overall quality of life. Pest control prevents the spread of deadly viruses and diseases that these pests carry.


A pest free home is a happy home. There is something to be said of a hospitable home, the calm peace it brings. Pest control in necessary for entertainment, hospitality, and satisfaction of guests and renters.

Done Right Pest Solutions provides the best Hastings pest control services for your health and happiness.

Residential services — Hastings Pest Control

Whether you live in a town home, single-family home, or duplex, Done Right Pest Solutions offers affordable year-round services to keep you totally pest-free. From indoor pests, to outdoor pests we’ve got you covered with our Peak Seasons Plan and our Mosquito and Tick Plan. For the best services for pest control Hastings residents have ever seen, call us! 651-342-9489.

Browse the options below or check out our Residential Pest Control page.

One-time services — Hastings Pest Control

Done Right Pest Solutions strives to provide the best pest control options for your home, your needs, and your budget. If you only have 1 pest concern or less per year, we’re not going to upsell or oversell you on any product or service.

But if you have more than 1 pest concern per year, we’ll suggest our annual pest control plan, because it will cost you about the same as purchasing 2 individual services, but it comes with at least 3 visits, full interior and exterior treatments, and a 12-month warranty, which gives peace of mind.

If you’re only in need of a one-time service, here are the most commonly purchased one-time services:

  • Mice
    • Includes exterior exclusion, interior bait station or trap placement how the technician sees fit.
    • We perform a 2 week follow-up to check on bait stations and mouse activity.
    • The service includes a 3 month warranty from the first date of service.
    •  View our Complete Mouse Control Guide if you want to learn how to perform the mouse service on your own!
  • Crawling Insects
    • Our technicians inspect to determine the type of crawling insect.
    • Then, they treat how they determine is necessary. It may be a liquid spray that will dry in about an hour or some gel bait in the case of ants.
    • This service includes a 2 month warranty.
  • Carpenter Ants
    • Includes a perimeter spray of the foundation about 3 feet up and 3 feet out to create a barrier for your home.
    • The product we use gets on the ants and any crawling insect’s legs and they transfer it to other ants.
    • Includes a 2 month warranty.
  • View our whole list on our Services page.

For the best one-time services for Hastings pest control, call Done Right Pest Solutions.

Year-round services — Hastings Pest Control

Our year-round services were created with folks in mind who have more than one pest issue per year. One-time services can be really nice, but without a comprehensive plan, the costs add up quickly. Our residential year-round service called the Peak Seasons Plan is meant to protect your home from any seasonal pests with 3 preventative exterior sprays, proactive interior treatments, and exclusionary prevention services for rodents.

Here is what the Peak Seasons Plan entails:

1. Initial treatment

  • You are calling Done Right Pest Solutions for a reason. No matter the time of year, we will take care of whatever the pest issue is, as long as it’s included in the Peak Seasons Plan.
  • Then, if anything comes up in between that treatment and the next season’s treatment, let us know!

2. Spring treatment – interior and exterior – spring pest control

  • The spring treatment consists of interior treatment. All bugs try to hibernate in houses and other warm structures.
  • We also treat the entire exterior of the home, from foundation to soffits. This full treatment provides a barrier for your entire home from any spring pest activity too!
  • Our technicians use their web pole to remove any past pest activity like spider webs and wasp nests.
  • Finally, we also check the foundation to make sure no new entry points for mice formed over the winter.

3. Summer treatment – exterior only – summer pest control

  • The summer treatment is a simple treatment. The main pests of summer are crawling pests such as carpenter ants. We treat the exterior foundation about 3 feet up and 3 feet out.
  • If you have any interior concerns, we will check them out! Typically, interior treatment is not needed in the summer season.
  • If there are any signs of stinging insect activity up by the soffits and facia we may spray there preventatively.
  • Again, our technicians remove any spider webs and wasp nests that may have formed.

4. Fall treatment – interior and exterior – fall pest control

  • The fall treatment includes another full exterior spray of the house, from foundation to soffits. This full treatment is necessary for the intense fall invading insects that may try to over-winter inside your home.
  • We also treat the interior preventatively for mice and insects, gearing up for winter.
  • Our technicians remove any spider webs and wasp nests one last time before winter.
  • And we do a thorough check of the foundation, closing any entry points that have not been sealed.

5. Winter – as needed – winter pest control

  • There is no scheduled visit for a winter treatment.
  • Let us know if any issues come up.

Check out our YouTube video to see our techs performing the work of the Peak Seasons Plan! Or if you have any questions, check out our article “How to Know if the Peak Seasons Plan is for You.”

For the best year-round services for Hastings pest control and pest control in Minnesota, call Done Right Pest Solutions.

Outdoor services — the importance of pest control

Pest control is needed to have a healthy and thriving community life. Whether you have need for residential or commercial pest control, you will have need for pest control sometime in your life. It’s one of those things most don’t like, but it’s so needed.

Most people don’t like going to the doctor, but they need them and are thankful for them. Pest control is similar, except our goal is to help reduce the risk of contracting a disease or illness before it happens.

Take for example tick control. The CDC lists 16 tick-borne diseases. Tick control is needed in our communities. And 75% of Lyme disease infections were contracted in backyards. Tick control is needed in your communities and homes. Tick control is recommended for all in need of Hastings pest control since there are 3 rivers surrounding the community.

Done Right Pest Solutions offers many outdoor pest control services to eradicate pests and control nuisance wildlife. Hastings residents may see camel crickets (also called cave crickets) in the spring and summer when there are high levels of moisture and humidity. If you’ve had these pests, check out our Peak Seasons Plan.

Stinging insects like hornets and wasps are a growing concern to many as allergic responses increase. This is why we offer affordable services for hornet removal, cicada killer wasp removal, and great black wasp removal. We often same-day services, too, getting you back to enjoying your yard!

And along the river or near other bodies of water, mosquitoes, ticks, and gnats like to congregate and feed on hosts enjoying life.

Our most common outdoor pest control treatment options are the Mosquito & Tick Plan, exterior crawling insect treatments, mole service, and squirrel or larger vertebrate removal services.

Read on to learn of the many outdoor pest control services we provide. Done Right Pest Solutions is your one-stop-shop for all things Hastings pest control.

Mosquito & Tick Services — Hastings Pest Control

We offer both one-time services as well as seasonal services for mosquitoes and ticks. The seasonal program, called the Mosquito & Tick Plan, is most common as it is the most effective, able to eradicate up to 95% of mosquitoes and ticks in your yard. It might be something that you want to consider as mosquitoes and ticks are prevalent in wooded areas and areas with bodies of water.

The Mosquito & Tick Plan includes:

  • A pet- and child-friendly product once it dries (in about an hour, give or take with weather or wind speed)
  • A perimeter barrier spray around your yard, adorning any ornamentation like fences, trees, etc. to separate your yard from your neighbors’ (and your neighbors’ mosquitoes)
  • Treatment of all harborage areas, these are areas where mosquitoes and ticks like to hang out and breed: trees, bushes, shrubs, tall grasses, etc.
  • Another barrier application around any of your prime activity spots of your yard (decks, patios, fire pits, swing sets, trampolines, etc.
  • The technician will also inspect your yard for any surprising areas that mosquitoes and ticks could be breeding (like cracks in the patio)

The product we use for mosquitoes and ticks also works for gnats. The product will kill any gnats that enter the treatment area and can have success eliminating a lot of these pests in your yard too. We don’t guarantee the gnat portion, however, because gnats have different behavioral patterns and can fly higher and farther distances than mosquitoes.

For the most effective mosquito and tick control, look to Done Right Pest Solutions. We love serving all in need of Hastings pest control!

Done Right Pest Solutions offers a complete approach to residential pest control with affordable year-round options to simple one-time services. Get your pest service done right!

Want an effortless solution? Let us take care of your pest control needs, Done Right.

One-time services- Choose from one of the options listed above.

Year-round services- If you have multiple pest concerns, choose our Peak Seasons Plan!

Wildlife services — Hastings Pest Control

Done Right Pest Solutions offers nuisance wildlife removal so you don’t have to hire 2 pest control companies because 1 isn’t comprehensive. So we even offer varmint control! Our expert technicians are skilled and licensed for mole service, chipmunk removal, squirrel removal, opossum removal, and raccoon removal. Read more about these varmint control options here:

  • Mole Service:
    • Includes a child- and pet-friendly approach to quick mole eradication
    • With the use of a carbon dioxide machine, the service is 100% safe and humane
    • Includes the leveling of tunnels, bringing your yard closer to back-to-normal and mole free!
  • Chipmunk Removal:
    • Includes a child- and pet-friendly approach to chipmunk removal
    • With the use of a carbon dioxide machine when needed, along with traps and other rodent devices, the service is 100% safe and humane
    • Includes removal of any burrows or nests
  • Squirrel Removal:
    • We have implemented a very successful animal control squirrel removal service for an affordable rate
    • Our animal control squirrel removal service comes with a cap, so you’re not paying through the nose for pesky squirrels
    • Includes a child- and pet-friendly approach to squirrel removal
    • With the use of a carbon dioxide machine when needed, along with live traps, the service is 100% safe and humane
    • Includes removal and relocation of squirrels
  • Opossum Removal:
    • Includes a child- and pet-friendly approach to opossum removal
    • With the use of live traps, the service is 100% safe and humane
    • Includes removal and relocation of opossums
    • Did you know opossums are naturally immune to rabies and able to eat thousands of ticks per year? We want to let these guys live!
  • Raccoon Removal:
    • Includes a child-and pet-friendly approach to raccoon removal
    • With the use of live traps, the service is 100% safe and humane
    • Includes removal and relocation of raccoons when possible
    • Because raccoons often carry rabies, if any cannot be relocated they are humanely euthanized

So when it comes to Hastings pest control wildlife services, turn to Done Right Pest Solutions. Our expert technicians quickly remove and relocate any of these wildlife. For all of your varmint control, including animal control squirrel removal, needs, give us a call at 651-342-9489.

Image highlighting proven strategies for mosquito control, ensuring a bite-free and enjoyable outdoor experience.

Want an effortless solution? Let us take care of your mosquito control or tick control needs, Done Right.

One-time services- Choose our one-time service to test out our product and service. You can always upgrade if you so choose. This option is great for events like graduation parties!

Seasonal services- If you like to enjoy your backyard with ease, choose our Mosquito & Tick Plan! We can’t wait to help keep your yard pest free!

Education — the importance of pest control

Done Right Pest Solutions strives to stay up-to-date on the best pest control practices and techniques. And as a result, we like to communicate our methods to you, our client.

We strive to have quality content throughout our website and blog. And we have resources spread throughout.

If you ever think of any questions, be sure to reach out to us. Our technicians are thorough and we like to have a open and honest communication style with our clients, residential or commercial.

So for all of your Hastings pest control needs, look to the best: Done Right Pest Solutions.

Commercial services — Hastings Pest Control

Done Right Pest Solutions offers one-time services to commercial clients, just like for residential homes. That said, the most commonly purchased one-time services vary between the two. So if you are looking for some commercial services for Hastings pest control, check out these one-time services or a year-round pest control approach.

Here are some of the commonly purchased one-time services:

  • Bed Bugs
    • The first visit requires zero prep work.
    • Includes treatment of bed, baseboards, hallways, couches, and any other locations where bed bugs could be hiding.
    • Includes a 2 week follow-up and a 3 month warranty from the first service.
    • Want to learn more about bed bugs? Check out our Complete Bed Bug Guide!

      A photo of bed bugs, blood-sucking invasive pests that disrupt your sleep. Say bye-bye bed bugs! Get rid of these pests with professional bed bug extermination services.

  • Roaches
    • The first visit requires zero prep work.
    • Includes immediate eradication of roaches, treatment to backs of appliances, and baits in the cabinets.
    • We perform a 2 week follow-up to check on bait and remaining roach activity.
    • The service includes a 3 month warranty from the first service.
  • Wasp Service
    • Our wasp service includes inspection of home area.
    • Treatment and removal of nest(s) unless in the ground or in a wall void. This is useful for any stinging insect removal needs, like mud wasp removal, cicada killer wasp removal, or great black wasp removal.
    • Another option is a soffit, facia, gutter area spray around your full home. Includes removal of any nests along the treatment area.
    • Either option comes with a 2 month warranty of the treated area(s).
  • And more! Not seeing the service you need? Check out our Services page to see our list of offered services.

Done Right Pest Solutions offers commercial clients with similar year-round options, like Monthly Plans, Quarterly Plans, and more. Monthly and Quarterly Plans are most frequently purchased, but we offer Twice Monthly, Weekly, and Every other Monthly services as well.

  • Monthly
    • Regular treatment of all common areas, hallways, break rooms, entry ways, etc. (tailored to fit your building’s needs)
    • Includes interior and exterior rodent and insect control
    • Cockroaches and bed bugs priced separately
  • Quarterly
    • Semi-regular treatment of all common areas, hallways, break rooms, entry ways, etc. (tailored to fit your building’s needs)
    • Includes interior and exterior rodent and insect control
    • Cockroaches and bed bugs priced separately
  • Check out our Commercial Pest Control page for more info!

For multi-family housing pest control, we have mix-and-match services to fit your needs and budget. You can choose from 2 or more from the following list:

  • Clean out options
    • Mouse
    • Roach
    • Bed bug
  • Regular service options
    • Weekly
    • Twice Monthly
    • Monthly
    • Every Other Monthly
    • Quarterly
  • Additional service options
    • Yearly Inspections and Preventative Treatments
    • Seasonal Exterior Sprays
    • May through September Mosquito and Tick Sprays

The regular service options are nice to mix and match, like if you want weekly service for your units; but only monthly service for all common areas, laundry, boiler rooms, etc. You can add exterior bait stations on quarterly; exterior sprays in the spring, summer, and fall; annual inspections so each unit gets the attention it deserves.

For the best pest control Hastings commercial services regarding multi-family housing properties, contact Done Right Pest Solutions. Call for a free lookover 651-342-9489!

Testimonials in Hastings MN

When it comes to residential pest control, mosquito control, and commercial pest control, Done Right Pest Solutions is the way to go. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve Hastings MN! Please enjoy some of our favorite testimonials in Hastings MN.

"Bryan was very polite and well manured, extremely knowledgeable in the issue at hand, and very willing to help in any way possible. We spoke together on the possible solutions to my problem and I was left with multiple options. I will be seeking out the help of Done Right anytime I have pest issues, thanks Bryan!"
Done Right Pest Solutions offers a complete approach to residential pest control with affordable year-round options to simple one-time services. Get your pest service done right!
Adrian in Hastings MN
Google Review
"I was getting stung multiple times and I had a wasp colony under my siding right outside my back door, I knew I needed a pro-they came out same day and effectively sent those nasty guys to their grave. Haven’t seen one yet but there’s a warranty!!! Great value and great bee exterminator I really loved her service and great advice about bee bites (Vicks or icy hot). The whole experience from call to kill was the best!!!!"
Done Right Pest Solutions offers a complete approach to residential pest control with affordable year-round options to simple one-time services. Get your pest service done right!
Laurie in Hastings MN
Google Review

Conclusion & next steps

You learned a lot about all the services Done Right Pest Solutions offers for Hastings pest control and pest control in Minnesota. From education and informational services to residential services, commercial services, and multi-family housing services; even outdoor services like wildlife services and mosquito and tick services: Done Right Pest Solutions does it all. Check out our 5 star Google reviews, proving we’re the best pest control Hastings residents and businesses could hire!

You learned about one-time services like animal control squirrel removal, mouse removal, cockroach removal, and great black wasp removal, for example. You also learned about our annual services like our Commercial Monthly service or Commercial Quarterly service and our residential Peak Seasons Plan.

If you every have any questions or concerns about your home or business, don’t hesitate to call Done Right Pest Solutions today for a free consultation 651-342-9489. You can also email us at donerightpestsolutions@gmail.com.

We’re here for you, whenever you need us.

Done Right Team

Done Right Pest Solutions
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