Cottage Grove Pest Control

Easy And Honest Cottage Grove Pest Control Services for Residential Homes and Commercial Businesses

Cottage Grove has more land adjacent to the Mississippi River than any other municipality in the state. Living close to the river has benefits and drawbacks. A major benefit is access to fun activities like boating, swimming, fishing, kayaking, etc. A definite drawback is increase in outdoor pests like mosquitoes, ticks, gnats, crickets, and some nuisance wildlife.

Cottage Grove is also home to the Cedarhurst Mansion, John P. Furber House, and Hope Glen Farm. Cottage Grove knows the importance of pest maintenance on a commercial and event level.

The median age of the city is 35, meaning there are a lot of young families that call Cottage Grove home. Home is our sanctuary, where we can be ourselves and relax and unwind from our busy lives. Home is a place where you don’t want to have pests dwelling with you.

Done Right Pest Solutions is happy to serve the Cottage Grove area, offering outdoor and wildlife pest services, commercial and event-lead pest control services, and all residential pest control needs. Look no further for your Cottage Grove pest control needs than Done Right Pest Solutions.

Image showcasing pest control services in Cottage Grove, MN, keeping your home pest-free and protected.

Outdoor pest control — Cottage Grove pest control

Summer is a favorite time of year for many, but with the warm months come all kinds of pests that can damage homes and properties or spread illness and disease.

Done Right Pest Solutions offers many outdoor pest control services to eradicate pests and control nuisance wildlife.

Our most common outdoor pest control treatment options are the Mosquito & Tick Plan, exterior crawling insect treatments, mole service, and squirrel or larger vertebrate removal services.

It is important to have a plan in place when it comes to pest control. While some pests are nuisances, some are health threats, like mosquitoes and ticks, mice and cockroaches. If you ever experience any of these pests or more, give Done Right Pest Solutions a call for all of your pest control Cottage Grove MN needs: 651-342-9489.

Mosquitoes, ticks, gnats — Cottage Grove pest control

We offer both one-time services as well as seasonal services for mosquitoes and ticks. The seasonal program, called the Mosquito & Tick Plan, is most common as it is the most effective, able to eradicate up to 95% of mosquitoes and ticks in your yard.

The Mosquito & Tick Plan includes:

  • A pet- and child-friendly product once it dries (in about an hour, give or take with weather or wind speed)
  • A perimeter barrier spray around your yard, adorning any ornamentation like fences, trees, etc. to separate your yard from your neighbors’ (and your neighbors’ mosquitoes)
  • Treatment of all harborage areas, these are areas where mosquitoes and ticks like to hang out and breed: trees, bushes, shrubs, tall grasses, etc.
  • Another barrier application around any of your prime activity spots of your yard (decks, patios, fire pits, swing sets, trampolines, etc.
  • The technician will also inspect your yard for any surprising areas that mosquitoes and ticks could be breeding (like cracks in the patio)

The product we use for mosquitoes and ticks also works for gnats. The product will kill any gnats that enter the treatment area and can have success eliminating a lot of these pests in your yard too. We don’t guarantee the gnat portion, however, because gnats have different behavioral patterns and can fly higher and farther distances than mosquitoes.

Crickets and creepy crawlies — Cottage Grove pest control

Done Right Pest Solutions offers 3 exterior sprays for each warm season of the year: spring, summer, and fall. We offer these services individually or as a part of our Peak Seasons Plan.

The products we use for each season targets crickets and all creepy crawling insects with a seasonal residual effect (2 month warranty). For most people, they have at least one bug emergency per year. So for all of your bug emergency needs, you don’t need to panic, just call Done Right Pest Solutions: 651-342-9489

At every service for crawling insects like spiders, our expert technicians remove spider webs so that way if any come back, you know it’s time for more pest control.

Nuisance wildlife — Cottage Grove pest control

Done Right Pest Solutions offers nuisance wildlife removal so you don’t have to hire 2 pest control companies because 1 isn’t comprehensive. Our expert technicians are skilled and licensed for mole service, chipmunk removal, squirrel removal, opossum removal, and raccoon removal.

So if you are experiencing squirrel in wall situations at your home or business, give the experts at Done Right Pest Solutions a call: 651-342-9489.

  • Mole Service:
    • Includes a child- and pet-friendly approach to quick mole eradication
    • With the use of a carbon dioxide machine, the service is 100% safe and humane
    • Includes the leveling of tunnels, bringing your yard closer to back-to-normal and mole free!
  • Chipmunk Removal:
    • Includes a child- and pet-friendly approach to chipmunk removal
    • With the use of a carbon dioxide machine when needed, along with traps and other rodent devices, the service is 100% safe and humane
    • Includes removal of any burrows or nests
  • Squirrel Removal:
    • Includes a child- and pet-friendly approach to squirrel removal
    • With the use of a carbon dioxide machine when needed, along with live traps, the service is 100% safe and humane
    • Includes removal and relocation of squirrels, even squirrel in wall scenarios
  • Opossum Removal:
    • Includes a child- and pet-friendly approach to opossum removal
    • With the use of live traps, the service is 100% safe and humane
    • Includes removal and relocation of opossums
    • Did you know opossums are naturally immune to rabies and able to eat thousands of ticks per year? We want to let these guys live!
  • Raccoon Removal:
    • Includes a child-and pet-friendly approach to raccoon removal
    • With the use of live traps, the service is 100% safe and humane
    • Includes removal and relocation of raccoons when possible
    • Because raccoons often carry rabies, if any cannot be relocated they are humanely euthanized

Commercial pest control — Cottage Grove pest control

Done Right Pest Solutions offers one-time services, year-round services, and custom mix-and-match services for multi-family housing needs.

Look no further than Done Right Pest Solutions for all your Commercial Pest Control and Multi-family Pest Control needs! Read on to learn of the most comprehensive pest control Cottage Grove MN services offered.

Image showcasing the exterior of a commercial building, showcasing the variety of pest control services available for commercial pest control.

Year-round services — Cottage Grove pest control

If you like, you can view our Commercial Flyer which outlines our commercial services. We offer a comprehensive approach for all your pest control needs and have mix-and-match services to match all your budget needs.

Most Commonly Purchased Year-Round Services:

  • Monthly
    • Regular treatment of all common areas, hallways, break rooms, entry ways, etc. (tailored to fit your building’s needs)
    • Includes interior and exterior rodent and insect control
    • Cockroaches and bed bugs priced separately
  • Quarterly
    • Semi-regular treatment of all common areas, hallways, break rooms, entry ways, etc. (tailored to fit your building’s needs)
    • Includes interior and exterior rodent and insect control
    • Cockroaches and bed bugs priced separately

Mix-and-Match Service Options:

  • Weekly
  • Twice Monthly
  • Monthly
  • Every Other Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Exterior Seasonal Sprays
  • May through September Mosquito and Tick Sprays
  • Yearly Inspections and Preventative Treatments

Residential pest control — Cottage Grove pest control

Done Right Pest Solutions offers the most stream-lined approach to residential homes in need of comprehensive pest control. Our Peak Seasons Plan covers the majority of pests with no hidden fees for additional pest services in between each seasonal treatment. For the additional pests not covered in the plan, like mosquitoes and ticks, we have the Mosquito & Tick Plan, and mole services.

For more information, you can always visit our Residential Pest Control page. For the best pest control Cottage Grove MN, look to the pros at Done Right Pest Solutions.

Done Right Pest Solutions offers a complete approach to residential pest control with affordable year-round options to simple one-time services. Get your pest service done right!

Want an effortless solution? Let us take care of your pest control needs, Done Right.

One-time services- Choose from one of the options listed below.

Year-round services- If you have multiple pest concerns, choose our Peak Seasons Plan!

Year-round services — Cottage Grove pest control

Peak Seasons Plan:

  • Initial treatment
    • You are calling Done Right Pest Solutions for a reason. No matter the time of year, we will take care of whatever the pest issue is, as long as it’s included in the Peak Seasons Plan.
    • Then, if anything comes up in between that treatment and the next season’s treatment, let us know!
  • Spring treatment – interior and exterior – spring pest control
    • The spring treatment consists of interior treatment. All bugs try to hibernate in houses and other warm structures.
    • We also treat the entire exterior of the home, from foundation to soffits. This full treatment provides a barrier for your entire home from any spring pest activity too!
    • Our technicians use their web pole to remove any past pest activity like spider webs and wasp nests.
      • Check out this video of our techs spraying the exterior of homes and removing webs!
    • Finally, we also check the foundation to make sure no new entry points for mice formed over the winter.
  • Summer treatment – exterior only – summer pest control
    • The summer treatment is a simple treatment. The main pests of summer are crawling pests such as carpenter ants. We treat the exterior foundation about 3 feet up and 3 feet out.
    • If you have any interior concerns, we will check them out! Typically, interior treatment is not needed in the summer season.
    • If there are any signs of stinging insect activity up by the soffits and facia we may spray there preventatively.
    • Again, our technicians remove any spider webs and wasp nests that may have formed.
  • Fall treatment – interior and exterior – fall pest control
    • The fall treatment includes another full exterior spray of the house, from foundation to soffits. This full treatment is necessary for the intense fall invading insects that may try to over-winter inside your home.
    • We also treat the interior preventatively for mice and insects, gearing up for winter.
    • Our technicians remove any spider webs and wasp nests one last time before winter.
    • And we do a thorough check of the foundation, closing any entry points that have not been sealed.
  • Winter – as needed – winter pest control
    • There is no scheduled visit for a winter treatment.
    • Let us know if any issues come up.

Call NOW for a free quote on our most popular service: our Peak Seasons Plan (video above).

Our Mosquito and tick removal service has been very successful. Our expert technicians have over 15 years of experience eradicating these yard pests.

Mosquitoes and ticks carry and transmit diseases. In fact, did you know 75% of Lyme’s disease cases are from backyards? Check out our article on how to prevent ticks in your yard for more information. Tick removal services have never been more important to the health and well-being of society than the present. We must protect our children.

Give us a call for a free quote on our mosquito and tick removal service today! 651-342-9489.

One-time services — Cottage Grove pest control

While our Peak Seasons Plan covers you for 99% of your bug emergency needs, Done Right Pest Solutions also offers many one-time services to fit your needs and budget. If you don’t typically have more than 1 pest issue per year, we would recommend the simple one-time service to eradicate your pests.

Among the most commonly purchased one-time services are:

  • Carpenter Ants
    • Includes a perimeter spray of the foundation about 3 feet up and 3 feet out to create a barrier for your home.
    • The product we use gets on the ants and any crawling insect’s legs and they transfer it to other ants.
    • Includes a 2 month warranty. A photo of a carpenter ant carrying a wood shaving, emphasizing the need for professional carpenter ant control services to eradicate these destructive pests.
  • Mice
    • Includes exterior exclusion, interior bait station or trap placement how the technician sees fit.
    • We perform a 2 week follow-up to check on bait stations and mouse activity.
    • The service includes a 3 month warranty from the first date of service.

      Image highlighting mouse control services and rat control services, ensuring a rodent-free environment for you and your home.

  • Wasp Service
    • Our wasp service includes inspection of home area or ground, wherever you were seeing the activity (this include mud wasps nest removal).
    • Treatment and removal of nest(s) unless in the ground or in a wall void, though our service includes mud wasps nest removal.
    • Another option is a soffit, facia, gutter area spray around your full home. Includes removal of any nests along the treatment area.
    • Either option comes with a 2 month warranty of the treated area(s).
    • If you have routine wasp activity and are in need of paper wasp nest removal or mud wasps nest removal, check out our Peak Seasons Plan.
  • And More! Visit our Services page to see the full list.

We even have 1x mosquito and tick removal services, so if you’re hosting a backyard wedding, a graduation party, or just a family get together, you can have some peace of mind when it comes to these pests.

Testimonials in Cottage Grove MN

One of our techs lives in Cottage Grove, so we take serious care of our customers in the Cottage Grove area. Check out our favorite testimonials highlighted below, and there are more on Google to read as well.

"Ceva and Done Right Pest Solutions has been great! Ceva was my technician. He was on time, professional, kind, and helped with with all by questions. He made sure that I had no other concerns before he left. I signed up with their yearly program so that I do not have to do the thinking when it comes to my pest/bug issues through the year. They set it up for 3 regular visits for checks and sprays, but I can contact them at any time in between services if I need additional help. This company knows what they are doing and they put the customer first! Thanks Guys!"
Done Right Pest Solutions offers a complete approach to residential pest control with affordable year-round options to simple one-time services. Get your pest service done right!
Bobbie in Cottage Grove MN
Google Review
"Done Right lives up to its name year after year…Ceva is a pest control superstar and a really nice guy on top of that. Consistently 5 star service."
Done Right Pest Solutions offers a complete approach to residential pest control with affordable year-round options to simple one-time services. Get your pest service done right!
Jane in Cottage Grove MN
Google Review
"Best service and crew! Always going out of their way to service my home. No questions. They care."
Done Right Pest Solutions offers a complete approach to residential pest control with affordable year-round options to simple one-time services. Get your pest service done right!
Walt in Cottage Grove MN
Google Review
"Bryan has been more than thorough helping me with squirrels in the attic, mice in the basement, and hornets outside. Came back for multiple re-checks and all of my problems are gone! 100% recommend for quality and price value."
Done Right Pest Solutions offers a complete approach to residential pest control with affordable year-round options to simple one-time services. Get your pest service done right!
Sara in Cottage Grove MN
Google Review
"Exceptional service as always! From the first time out Bryan has been awesome to work with and have done great work in keeping the mice and critters away would definitely recommend giving them a try for any of your pest control needs."
Done Right Pest Solutions offers a complete approach to residential pest control with affordable year-round options to simple one-time services. Get your pest service done right!
Tyler in Cottage Grove
Google Review
"Done Right Pest Solutions gets 5 stars from me. Actually I would give them 10 stars. From my first phone call and talking to Kelly to set up an appointment to when Ceva showed up to treat my pest problem everyone was fantastic and top notch. They were all very friendly and easy to work with and made sure everything was done right. They answered all my questions and made sure I was satisfied with what was done. These guys are great. Give them a call you will not be disappointed."
Done Right Pest Solutions offers a complete approach to residential pest control with affordable year-round options to simple one-time services. Get your pest service done right!
Jim in Cottage Grove MN
Google Review
"We’ve had a great experience with this company! We had a major wasp problem and they came out once to spray and take care of the issue and we never had a problem again! We went with the year round package as well which helped with other bugs as well! Bryan is great to work with!!"
Done Right Pest Solutions offers a complete approach to residential pest control with affordable year-round options to simple one-time services. Get your pest service done right!
Gabby in Cottage Grove MN
Google Review

Conclusion & Next Steps

You’ve learned quite a bit on this Cottage Grove pest control page. Done Right Pest Solutions offers the most comprehensive outdoor pest control services, from mosquitoes and ticks to crickets and crawling insects, and even larger wildlife like squirrels, opossums, and raccoons. Give us a call if you ever have a squirrel in wall scenario at your home or business.

You also learned of our mix-and-match services within our commercial pest control options, designed to fit your pest needs and budget needs.

Finally, you learned of the residential pest control options available to all in need of Cottage Grove pest control. We’d love to give you a free quote for our Peak Seasons Plan or our mosquito and tick removal service, so call today!

When it comes to pests that stress you out or could potentially harm your health, we know what to do. We look forward to answering any questions you might have about your specific needs and property. Please give us a call or text us at 651-342-9489. Or email us at

We’re here to help.

Done Right Team

Done Right Pest Solutions
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