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5 Ways to Prepare for Mice Made Easy

Mice are pretty common in the state of Minnesota, but not everyone is prepared for them. Check out this post on 5 ways to prepare for mice, and as a bonus: 5 mouse control options for you.


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Preparing for Mice – 5 Ways to Prepare for Mice

You know what they say, “expect the unexpected.” Life has many twists and turns, things happen that are expected and are not expected. The same is true for the pest control industry: some things are expected and can be prepared for, but some things are not expected.

People do not expect to find bed bugs in their home after traveling. But seasonal pests should be expected, and the same is true for mice in Minnesota.

Photo of a mouse, indicating professional mouse control services available.Everything tries to get inside in the winter in order to stay alive. When we can understand why this happens and how this happens it is easier to cope and deal with the problem.

Below read of 5 ways to prepare for mice: mentally, emotionally, financially, spiritually, and socially.


Mentally – Prepare for Mouse Control

Let’s face it; we live in a state that faces harsh winters. Whether you live in Minnesota or Wisconsin, it doesn’t matter: you have the risk of mice and other critters getting inside in the winter.

It’s important to know that you are not alone. Pest control companies perform thousands of mouse control services throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin and there are several hundred pest control companies in the states. From small one-man operations, to larger, corporate companies, you have your fill of options.

Done Right Pest Solutions is a small, yet growing organization with expert staff, and 15 years of experience, capable of taking care of any pest issues you may have. We know how to get rid of mice and keep them away, with options for either annual (one-time) mouse services or year-round pest control.

But, it helps knowing that 1) others get mice too, and 2) there are experts nearby that have the knowledge and ability to take care of your mouse problem.

It is important to prepare for mice mentally, that’s why it made our list of 5 ways to prepare for mice.


Emotionally – 5 Ways to Prepare for Mice

Take a deep breath. Mice are intimidating at least, and terrifying at most. We know this, and we understand this.

If you see mice in your home, it is important to not panic. Simply call a professional, get on the schedule, and get some peace of mind.

We suggest doing some research. As humans, we are often afraid of things we do not understand. Seek to understand how mice operate, and then you do not have to fear.

Knowing what diseases mice carry and how they spread them, can help you remain mostly unaffected by the mice, and therefore,  you can calmly get rid of the mice (or calmly hire someone to get rid of the mice).

It is hard to prepare for mice emotionally, that’s why it made our list of 5 ways to prepare for mice.


Financially – 5 Ways to Prepare for Mice

Pest control is often a necessary thing in life. No one likes it, but everyone likes feeling comfortable in their own home. Pests take away from comfort. Pests add stress, discomfort, and illness and disease carrying pathogens.

At most, mice make you sick; at least, mice give you stress. It is important to weigh the options and realize that pest control can become a necessity you can afford. Take time to set aside some finances for your potential pest needs.

A Peak Seasons Plan typically costs less than $2 per day, though the price varies based on square footage. (More information below).

One mouse service per year costs about $0.90 per day. Prepare today for your needs tomorrow. Your pest needs. If you have any questions about pest control or how to weigh the pests you see and to determine what pest control option is best for you, give us a call. (More information below).

We aren’t like other pest control companies, we are for you. For your comfort. For your health. For your budget.

Financially preparing for mouse control is something not everyone thinks of, that’s why it made our list of 5 ways to prepare for mice.


Spiritually – 5 Ways to Prepare for Mice

Some religions view pests as wicked. Done Right Pest Solutions understands that all living things seek food and shelter, and we strive to make sure they don’t seek their needs in your home.

If you participate in a religion that views pests like mice or cockroaches as wicked, take the necessary approaches to ensure your home doesn’t have these pests year-round.

Islam views mice as “little corrupters” that are steered by Satan. While mice can contaminate food, some religions believe they can bring evil to a house. It is important to have a pest control plan in place if pests can pose a spiritual significance for you.

Spirituality is not something everyone would think of in terms of preparing for mice, that’s why it made our list of 5 ways to prepare for mice.


Socially – 5 Ways to Prepare for Mice

Having a pest control plan in place gives you peace of mind to host gatherings, open your home to friends and relatives, and feel comfortable in your own home.

If you have an older home and get mice in the winter, prepare socially by being honest with your friends. Maybe go to their homes or meet for dinner elsewhere.

But if you love hosting gatherings, and have had evidence of mice, call us for a consultation and we will provide you a quote and explain multiple options you can choose from.

Imagine going to a nice AirBnB and finding mouse droppings in the bed! Mice are bad for business and bad for hosting. Hosts and landlords should consider getting on a regular maintenance program for their property. In fact, the EPA recommends having preventative and responsible pest control measures in place for commercial properties.

Preparing socially for mice is not something many would think of…until after they have mice, that’s why it made our list of 5 ways to prepare for mice.


Mouse Control Options for You – 5 Service Options for You

When you’re in a bind, it’s nice to have options. Our staff at Done Right Pest Solutions wants you to have options and pick what is best for your home, your family, your budget. That’s why we have 5 options for mouse control.

Read on to learn of the 5 options for mouse control, which provides information so you can best prepare for mice.


Mouse Inspection

Every good mouse service starts with a mouse inspection. But what if you don’t know if you have mice? What if you just hear some scratching in the walls, but wonder if it is squirrels or maybe nothing?

We have a mouse inspection that is $149 plus tax, but that fee is waived/applied to the cost of service upon services rendered. In essence, the mouse inspection portion is free with any mouse service.

The mouse inspection does NOT come with any warranty or follow-up visits.


Mouse Exclusion

Every successful mouse service includes a full exterior exclusion service. We also offer just the exclusion service for a fraction of the cost. So, if you typically get mice in the fall, but haven’t gotten mice yet, consider getting a mouse exclusion service to prepare for mice season.

The pricing is based on square footage, as the technicians go around the foundation on their hands and knees looking for the entry points.

The mouse exclusion service does NOT come with any warranty or follow-up visits. It can be applied to a mouse service if you do decide you’d like a warranty.


One-time Mouse Service

Our one-time mouse service is one of our most commonly purchased services. This service is complete with a full exclusion service and an interior inspection of the house.

Image of a mouse, emphasizing the need for professional rodent control services.Rodent control devices, like bait stations, are applied in the basement furnace and laundry rooms, and/or other locations as deemed necessary by the technician.

Included with a one-time mouse service is a 2 week follow-up visit and a 3 month warranty. The warranty is from the first date of service, but means that if any additional follow-ups are needed, they are NOT charged.



Seasonal Vole Service

Voles are in the same family as field or house mice. Voles thrive on roots and plant bulbs, wreaking havoc on yards and gardens.

We offer an add-on vole service to our Peak Seasons Plan. We no longer offer one-time vole service due to these devastating yard pests being unrelenting in nature. We use specialized vole equipment and bait, combined with a 2x monthly approach throughout the warm months.

The service comes with a seasonal warranty.


Peak Seasons Plan – Annual Mouse Service

Finally, our most commonly purchased Residential Pest Control service is called the Peak Seasons Plan. This option covers you for a 12 month warranty instead of a 3 month warranty, and it comes with 3 exterior and interior treatments for insect control and prevention, as well as rodent control and prevention.

The spring exterior power spray targets paper wasps, spiders, centipedes and millipedes, pavement ants, and other spring invading pests.

The summer foundational treatment targets carpenter ants and other hot weather, destructive pests like wood boring beetles.

The fall exterior power spray targets Asian lady beetles, boxelder bugs, stink bugs, hornets and wasps, and other fall invading insects.

Check out our article, “How to Know if the Peak Seasons Plan is for You” to answer all of your FAQs about the service. Or, give us a call at 651-342-9489.

Image highlighting the benefits of proactive pest control, ensuring a bug-free and peaceful environment.

Also check out our article on 5 Reasons to Have a Proactive Pest Control Plan.


The Circle of Life

Seasons change, and though it is natural, with the change come pests. But did you know that if mice can get into your home, so can any bugs? Mice can squeeze into openings one-fourth of an inch in diameter, and bugs can squeeze into even tinier openings.

Once bugs get in to your home, they can be a food source to mice who may enter in the fall.

For all of the seasons of change, and the circle of life, Done Right Pest Solutions is here to make sure the circle of life regarding pests stay out of your home.


Conclusion & Next Steps

You have learned a lot about mice and how to prepare for mice. Included in this post were 5 ways to prepare for mice, including mentally, emotionally, financially, spiritually, and socially.

We also included our full list of 5 service options for all of your mouse control needs, from a simple mouse inspection service, all the way to an annual maintenance plan like our Peak Seasons Plan.

Life happens and pests happen. When they do, give us a call. Our expert technicians have the know-how to get pests gone in a reasonable amount of time, leaving you with peace of mind and satisfaction.

Call or text us to get started with a free quote at 651-342-9489 or email us at donerightpestsolutions@gmail.com. We can’t wait to hear from you.

Here when you need us most,

Done Right Team


Have you had mice come in your home seasonally? How did you cope with them and then decide to get rid of them? We would love to learn of your experience below in the comments!


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