reactive pest control

Photo of Japanese beetles eating leaves of a plant. For effective methods to combat Japanese beetles and protect your plants from their damage, call Done Right Pest Solutions.

June Bugs and Japanese Beetles: 2 Bugs That Can Cause Other Pest Issues

Most people dread June bugs and Japanese beetles even though they are only adults for a short time.  Learn more about these 2 leaf-eating pests and how they can cause other pests in your yard. We also explain how Done Right Pest Solutions has effective June bug control and Japanese beetle control methods.

Image featuring a mosquito on a blade of grass, indicating the importance of routine mosquito control treatments for your yard.

3 Species of Mosquitoes in Minnesota and How to Treat Each

Do you normally get mosquito bites during the day or in the evening? On your arms or neck or ankles and feet? Where you get mosquito bites could be indicator of what type of mosquitoes live in your yard. Learn the 3 species of mosquitoes and how to treat each.

Image showcasing effective paper wasp control methods, safe and effective paper wasp nest removal techniques, yellow jacket control, and hornet control, keeping your outdoor spaces safe and sting-free.

Why Wasp Control Is Important

Every spring, summer, and fall, millions of people suffer from the presence of aggressive stinging insects in their yard. Learn more about wasps, different types of nests, and how we treat in different scenarios. Wasp control is made easy with Done Right Pest Solutions.

Image of a college dorm room, showcasing tips and tricks of how to prevent bed bugs in college dorm.

4 Easy Ways You Can Prevent a Bed Bug Infestation This Summer

Summer break is something every student looks forward to. After a long year of hard work, tests, sitting through lectures, group projects, papers, and finals, it feels like you can finally relax. Summer break also means home, going on vacations and traveling to see friends and loved ones.
Summer increases bed bug spread by nearly 50%. Learn about the increased spread in summer months, the increased concern of bed bugs, and 4 ways you can prevent a bed bug infestation this summer.

Image featuring the Ultimate Guide to Mole Control, providing effective strategies for a mole-free yard.

The Ultimate Guide to Mole Control

Yard pests such as moles are noticeable and hazardous to your yard and safety as a person. Imagine hosting a barbecue with neighbors and having Karen sink into a tunnel, trip, and threaten to sue you. That’s no good!
Thankfully there are methods of control that you can take to regain control of your yard! Learn all about moles, their habits, breeding, and how they damage your yard. Learn how to take back control of your yard with different methods like traps, gasses, baits, repellents, and natural options.
Finally, learn how we treat humanely for these yard pests, leaving you with peace of mind and confidence to show off your mole-free yard!

Graphic of a tiny flea, which springtails are commonly mistaken for fleas, indicating professional flea and springtail control services available.

Expert Advice on Flea Control: Here’s What We Learned at the 2021 Pest Conference

Do you remember that K9 Advantix Commercial where the cute yellow lab puppy sang “There ain’t no bugs on me. There ain’t no bugs on me. There may be bugs on some of you mugs but there ain’t no bugs on me.”?
At Done Right Pest Solutions, we’d like to change the lyrics for our clients: “There ain’t no bugs in my house, there ain’t no bugs on my spouse…”— OK , we’ll just stick to pest control. Look no further for flea control, including flea prevention and tips for flea treatments than Done Right Pest Solutions.

Multi-photo graphic showcasing our comprehensive guide to effectively eliminate and prevent bed bug infestations in your home.

A Complete Bed Bug Guide: How to Know When to Call in the Pros

We’ve all heard the phrase: “Good night, sleep tight! Don’t let the bed bugs bite!” Where did that come from anyway? That’s not a calming thought before going to bed. In the 1800s beds were made of straw, feathers, and other materials that attracted bed bugs. So people began saying that phrase. Even though beds as we know them became more readily available in the early 1900s, the phrase is still known today. Cultural idioms are sure weird!
In this post you’ll learn all about bed bugs, including myths and facts; you’ll also learn different bed bug extermination methods, how we treat, and some next steps.

Image highlighting German cockroach services, getting rid of those pesky critters for good!

4 Common Types of Cockroaches in Minnesota

Cockroaches are known to withstand the craziest of conditions, like nuclear blasts. They certainly are intriguing pests, as well as, perhaps, formidable if you don’t know much about them. Like, did you know the average cockroach can live for a week without its head? It’s true! All thanks to an open circulatory system and little breathing holes along each body segment, the food is only needed for food and water intake: meaning the cockroach without its head died of thirst, not because it didn’t have its head.
In this post you will learn the 4 common types of cockroaches in Minnesota, their habits and threats they pose to humans, and how pest professionals treat for them.

Done Right Pest Solutions
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