Apple Valley Pest Control

Many Affordable Options for Apple Valley Pest Control Found at Done Right Pest Solutions

Apple Valley is home to the Minnesota Zoo. Residents and visitors enjoy visiting and learning about animals.

Insects and rodents don’t belong in a zoo and they don’t belong in your house. If you ever have any invasive insect pests like carpenter ants, wood boring beetles, or stinging insects, don’t hesitate to give a pest management professional a call.

Done Right Pest Solutions eradicates these pests from homes on a daily basis. We also consistently treat for mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, cockroaches, mice, rats, and other pests that carry disease and bacteria that could harm you and your family’s health and well-being.

Call Done Right Pest Solutions for all of your Apple Valley pest control needs.

Image showcasing pest control services in Apple Valley, MN, keeping your home pest-free and protected.

Commercial Services — Apple Valley Pest Control

Nothing gives tenants, customers, and business owners peace of mind like insurance. If a storm damages your property, you make a claim and you’re covered. If you’ve been in an accident, your insurance company covers it.

It is the same for pest control. There are different types of insurance and there are different types of pest control programs.

Done Right Pest Solutions offers one-time services for invasive, irregular pests. For example, say you typically don’t have pests, but a mouse problem comes up one winter. We have a one-time service for that. Urban pests like mice and cockroaches are common in densely populated areas. Check out our one-time cockroach service, described below.

Commonly purchased one-time services:

  • Bed Bugs
    • The first visit requires zero prep work.
    • Includes treatment of bed, baseboards, hallways, couches, and any other locations where bed bugs could be hiding.
    • Includes a 2 week follow-up and a 3 month warranty from the first service.
    • Want to learn more about bed bugs? Check out our Complete Bed Bug Guide!

      Image highlighting bed bug control services, ensuring a good night's sleep without any unwanted visitors.

  • Roaches
    • The first visit requires zero prep work.
    • Includes immediate eradication of roaches, treatment to backs of appliances, and baits in the cabinets.
    • We perform a 2 week follow-up to check on bait and remaining roach activity.
    • The service includes a 3 month warranty from the first service.
    • Read our post “4 Common Types of Cockroaches in MinnesotaImage of German cockroaches, the most common of invading roaches in MN, emphasizing the need for effective pest control measures.
  • And more! Not seeing the service you need? Check out our Services page to see our list of offered services.

For those who like to have preventative pest control done monthly or quarterly, there are benefits: peace of mind, no hassle, and no additional trip fees if something comes up in between visits.

Commonly purchased year-round services:

  • Monthly
    • Regular treatment of all common areas, hallways, break rooms, entry ways, etc. (tailored to fit your building’s needs)
    • Includes interior and exterior rodent and insect control
    • Cockroaches and bed bugs priced separately
  • Quarterly
    • Semi-regular treatment of all common areas, hallways, break rooms, entry ways, etc. (tailored to fit your building’s needs)
    • Includes interior and exterior rodent and insect control
    • Cockroaches and bed bugs priced separately
  • And More for all your Apple Valley pest control needs. View our Commercial Flyer or our Commercial Pest Control page for more options and descriptions
Image showcasing the exterior of a commercial building, showcasing the variety of pest control services available for commercial pest control.

Want an effortless solution? Let us take care of your pest control needs, Done Right.

One-time services- Choose from one of the many options listed above.

Year-round services- If you have multiple pest concerns, choose our monthly or quarterly options, or a couple options from our mix-and-match options listed below!

Multi-family Housing Services — Apple Valley Pest Control

Multi-family housing complexes offer a close-knit community many enjoy throughout the Twin Cities metro area. There is something special about making friends with neighbors and living so closely with friends.

But with the added benefits of living closely with others, comes some added drawbacks, like an increase activity of pests.

Pests like mice, bed bugs, cockroaches, ants, and more spread easily through wall voids from unit to unit, making multi-family housing complexes a type of haven for pests, at times.

Done Right Pest Solutions offers clean out options to eliminate these pests and mix-and-match services to keep them out with preventative treatments.

Commonly purchased clean out options:

  • Mouse Clean Out
    • Service for ALL units for mouse control, placing rodent control devices
    • Includes all common areas, furnace rooms, entry ways, etc. specific to the building’s needs
    • Includes exclusion on the exterior of the building
    • A 2 week follow-up is given and necessary for these rodents
    • Comes with a 3 month warranty
  • Cockroach Clean Out
    • Service for ALL units for cockroach eradication
    • Includes immediate removal of all cockroaches and treatment for those hiding in the walls and other places
    • A 2 week follow-up is given and necessary for these insects
    • Comes with a 3 month warranty
  • Bed Bug Clean Out
    • Service for ALL affected units and inspection rate for all units not needing treatment
    • Includes immediate removal of all bed bugs and treatment for those hiding in the walls and other places
    • A 2 week follow-up is given and vital for these pests
    • Comes with a 3 month warranty

Commonly purchased mix-and-match services:

  • Weekly
    • (commonly purchased by restaurants or large multi-family complexes)
  • Twice Monthly
    • (the perfect mid-range service option)
  • Monthly
    • (commonly purchased by restaurants or small to medium multi-family complexes)
  • Every Other Monthly
  • Quarterly
    • (often purchased by owners of rental houses; often purchased in conjunction with a monthly or weekly service for multi-family complex)
  • Exterior Sprays
    • (seasonal sprays spring, summer, and fall)
  • Mosquito and Tick Plan
    • (seasonal plan that runs May through September with 5 treatments)
  • Yearly inspections
    • (a popular service with large multi-family complexes)

For more information on clean outs and mix and match options, visit our Multi-family Housing Pest Control page.

Image showing the exterior of a apartment, indicating commercial services available.

Want an effortless solution? Let us take care of your pest control needs, Done Right.

Clean out services- Choose from one of the many options listed above.

Year-round services- If you have multiple pest concerns, choose a couple of the options listed on our mix-and-match service list!

Residential Services — Apple Valley Pest Control

As any homeowner knows house maintenance can be a pain to deal with. Sometimes things break and need repair. Sometimes homes need upgrades. And sometimes these repairs and upgrades are caused by just time and weather, while other times these repairs and upgrades are caused by pests.

Done Right Pest Solutions offers affordable one-time options to eliminate property damaging pests like mice, squirrels, carpenter ants, stinging insects, and more.

Commonly purchased one-time services:

  • Mice
    • Includes exterior exclusion, interior bait station or trap placement how the technician sees fit.
    • We perform a 2 week follow-up to check on bait stations and mouse activity.
    • The service includes a 3 month warranty from the first date of service
  • Carpenter Ants
    • Includes a perimeter spray of the foundation about 3 feet up and 3 feet out to create a barrier for your home.
    • The product we use gets on the ants and any crawling insect’s legs and they transfer it to other ants.
    • Includes a 2 month warranty.
  • Hornets and Wasps
    • Options include preventative sprays for soffits and facia to treatment of visible nests.
    • If there is a visible nest, treatment is applied and the nest is removed.
    • A 2 month warranty is included with each service option.
  • And more! If you don’t see what you are looking for, check out our services page.

One-time service options are great if you typically don’t have pests around your home. But for those of us who live near a lot of nature and experience plenty of crawling insects like spiders and centipedes in their basements, there is a regular maintenance plan that will help keep your home pest free!

  • Peak Seasons Plan
    • Spring treatment – interior and  full exterior treatments for all crawling insects and ants
    • Summer treatment – exterior only for carpenter ants and other crawling insects. If interior is needed, we will treat as well.
    • Fall treatment – interior and full exterior treatment for Boxelder bugs, Asian lady beetles, hornets, wasps, and other fall invading pests. Mice are treated and prevented with baits or traps.
    • Winter — No scheduled treatment, but if any crawling insects or mice come in, we come out no additional charges.
    • Learn more about this plan as well as some frequently asked questions in this in-depth post “How to Know if the Peak Seasons Plan is for You“. Close-up photo of boxelder bugs, common pests during the fall season.
For those of us who spend every waking moment outside in the warmer months to make up for lost outdoor time in the colder months, Done Right Pest Solutions developed an exterior yard service for mosquitoes and ticks! Check out our Mosquito and Tick Flyer if you’re interested in a seasonal service that runs May through September to protect your from these disease carrying pests!
To learn more about our year-round services or our seasonal services, visit our Residential Pest Control page.
Done Right Pest Solutions offers a complete approach to residential pest control with affordable year-round options to simple one-time services. Get your pest service done right!

Want an effortless solution? Let us take care of your pest control needs, Done Right.

One-time services- Choose from one of the many options listed above.

Year-round services- If you have multiple pest concerns, choose our Peak Seasons Plan!

Testimonials in Apple Valley MN

We are grateful for our customers and the feedback they provide us on our service. Read a couple of our favorites below!

"Very professional and quick to answer my questions. Scheduling was easy and convenient. Highly recommend their services!"
Done Right Pest Solutions offers a complete approach to residential pest control with affordable year-round options to simple one-time services. Get your pest service done right!
Mike in Apple Valley MN
Google Review
"Done Right has been absolutely fantastic to work with, I always make sure to recommend them to anyone who has a pest problem. Bryan & Ceva are thorough, prompt, and very professional. Special thank you to Bryan for always answering any questions we've had & always fixing every single issue we've called him out for! ... Done Right is the greatest pest control company we've ever worked with. The office gals are super quick to respond with any questions and to get us on the schedule. Bryan has been an absolute dream to work with, I always know any issues we have will be taken care of when he comes out!"
Image showing the exterior of a apartment, indicating commercial services available.
Laura in Apple Valley MN
Google Review

Conclusion & Next Steps

In this post you learned about each specific variety of service Done Right Pest Solutions offers residents for Apple Valley pest control: commercial, multi-family housing, and residential.

You also learned inside each category what are the most commonly purchased one-time services and year-round services.

If you own a business in Apple Valley that has ever experienced pests, give Done Right Pest Solutions a call today for a free lookover. 651-342-9489.

If you own a home in Apple Valley and have a seasonal pest, contact Done Right Pest Solutions to learn more of our service options. Be sure to ask us about our discounts!

We look forward to keeping the zoo out of your house and business. Pests like insects and rodents never belong inside.

Done Right Team

Done Right Pest Solutions
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